
Shout! I will Rise- Read, Rise, Relish!

Poverty is a choice, poverty is a mindset. Poverty is curse, poverty ia an opportunity

 Y ou accept it easily what it comes to your way easily and poverty becomes your choice, your destiny. You accept it and it becomes your fate. You think it exists for everyone, yes it is for everyone. it never goes away now you start adjusting, compromising with all what you have at present and by doing so it becomes your mindset, then habit then your fate and then your lifestyle- a lifestyle of living in poverty.  living there entire life in comfort zone doing all what you can't do easily without challenging yourself and your situation, without shaking hands with discipline, new learning, new skills is curse. either you choose to fight with poverty and win over it or live with it compromising and adjusting throughout the life.  accept the pain for few years or complete the painful journey throughout the life with your entire family.  poverty will kill you not every single day but every single moment.  Choice How: Desicision How: Mindset How: Curse how: Opportunity how: No instant

The retired Youth of 30s

 Youth of the nation retire in their 30's only. They stop taking initiative, stop doing experiments, stop thinking great. For them, 30s onward is the age of giving up and settle in life with all what to get have or, received so far till this age. Tanoy, a sketch Artiste student, promoting and demonstrating his arts near Orion Mall Bangalore. He is from Kolkata, completed MFA from govt college of Art & Craft, Kolkata. He sells all his art copies for just 150/- to 300/- in his part time apart from his job. They forget that India is a developing country. No good education, no mentorship for career, nothing is offered by the government of this nation. We get our vision only in 30's, the real time to start for a great career, goal and achievement in life. But unfortunately, youth don't understand this. Completing education in 20s, getting a job and then expecting to live a great life from the only. How? This mindset has to be changed. The youth has to rethink that you become


 The greatest challenge in the world is not to succeed but to take the decisions as per the availability of situations and opportunities. We all are a prey of moments where we fail to take some good decisions as per the situations and available opportunities. Every single opportunity is sitting on every single moment. The moment moves, the opportunity lost. It is like a bird sitting on a tree. Tree is cut,the opportunities are lost. You have to fall and meet the opportunity in the same.time frame of those seconds, moments to catch that bird. Once lost, always lost. Some opportunities are extremely unique. Meet Vishwajayant Sriyash Kumar, a genius child with photographic memory, passionate for #MMA, adept in #Mathematics. Confidence, courage and Patience level are at par in him. We waste two 3rd of our life only on account of indecisiveness-not able to decide. We are not able to decide on many things not once or, twice but daily, everyday, every single second or, minutes. Staying undeci

Live like Legend

Live like Legend Live everyday like a legend. It won't be easy but not too tough if you can manage your time. If you have life, you have time and thus Nothing is impossible. You have to make sure you work always against the time. Time is the greatest friend, biggest enemy. Friend when it works in your favor, enemy when it goes against you. The only thing remains is put everything in your favor and live everyday like a legend. Grab the attention of the people, of the world towards you and make things happen. It won't be easy, in fact nothing is easy in this world but if you make it happen, all is yours. Live Everyday like a legend. How? ,simply move with your ideas, yoir plans for the greatest goal and heights you have set for yourself to achieve in life, to pursue. Legends works for legacy and not just for success. Legend make thigs happen and just don't do or, act on things. Legends work and execute only in seconds and minutes. Legends have always impossible goals and pain

You are 'Never Alone'

You are 'Never Alone'  "Choose humans and you live with them, choose dreams and you live with them". You are never alone. People who say I am alone, have generally no dreams at all. Thus, they are alone. You think about it, you talk to yourself about it, you work on it, you try doing new things for it.  How come you are alone? Never, you are never alone.  You are living your dream. Moving on the journey of your dreams. Choose your dream or, choose people over it; all your choice, your priority. Choose wisely. The wisest decision is, choose your dream and people come into it but if you choose just people, your dream may not come there ir, it will be adjusting itself somehow.

Time and Life

 There is nothing right or wrong. Do whatever you have to do, you want to do. You have been given one human life to live. One day to enjoy. yes! you have one life but before that you just have one day only to live this life. It is the day that repeats rather than the life. One single choice to choose every moment of the time in life. Now you chase girl or your dream, all your wish or, You mix up both again all your wish. Best is enjoying both. Divide time. Time is limited to live this life. Your time to live here is limited. It is not going to increase ever. Its limited. You are growing old by one day everyday. Sad! ( Colony Republic Day celebration in JP Nagar,8th phase, Bengaluru) Beware! The world is too smart here. People use others time to live they own life. People like celebrities, cricketers, Filmstars, politicians etc steal the timer of people to live their own life mind it is you don't use your time for yourself. Whatever you are doing or, going for, be cautious for that.

Trust yourself, trust the Supreme creator

 "When you set your heights to achieve something too high and increase your speed to move for it, everyone leave you alone".  Why? Because you want to jump from the hill that nobody ever tried before, you want to move with the speed nobody ever moved with before, you want to go to the place nobody has ever gone before. This will be the time when everyone even your friends, parents, spouse all will leave your company and will say no to you. Why? Because they can't, they either didn't trust it or, not prepared for it. But, you will do as you taken years to learn, understand and make up yoir mind for it. Uou are atleast mentally prepared. This is where your journey for the greatest height of success begins. Go for it. If you are okay mentally and physically, God is with you. He trusts you, you too do on Him. My own people in relationship see all bad things in me, and not even a good thing, which I think never exist. They never trusted me but my creator (Krishna, Lord Vis

Life or, survival - the world is yours

 Life is not about sitting and resting in the corner and working to win three times bread and butter. Come in the field, in the open battlefield. Take risks, have courage, take challenges to win something, to get something to fulfill all your wishes and desires. Live the human life instead of an animal life with no wish, desires, no passion, no escalation. One life to live.  Even God doesn't get this human life. Live it at best. Do all what you want to do. Settling is like rotting. Compromising is like sacrificing for nothing. Losing is cowardly, winning is brave. Live today. There is no life tomorrow. Comfort is designed to rest not to stick. Comfort keeps you in hell and further open many doors to hell. Win this world, win the people as they own everything you need. Always remember, start anywhere but the ultimate goal is to have a glorious career, glorious life, glorious lifestyle. Soon, very soon. Start moving on the track, on the road that leads to the greatest height of succe


 If you are passionate about something you will do what you want to do. This order people are the strong people. If you have hunger about something- car, home, money, a Lifestyle; you will not stop working till you satisfy that hunger of getting what you want. It is like working to survive instead of dying by giving up. This order people are ferocious like a flame until it burns and destroys it doesnt let extinguished itself. If you know what you have to become and what you want in life, you will make your work your passion you daily life style so even if you try to skip you can't because it is your life style so sooner later you have to reach there only. These sorts of people are away from the world from any drama. They have reached the greatest level of mindset where they know that every single human is capable enough of doing miracles so instead of focusing on watching and listening others the focus on themselves because they are also one of the miracles born to do miracles. So,

Learn to 'Think'- How to think well

 "Thinking nothing is thinking". Great thinking makes you a great philosopher, a great philosopher becomes a great writer, a great writer becomes the world saviour. A great philosopher can guide millions of people, can become successful himself and can make millions of people successful too. The only thing is if he becomes a Karmyogi(actionable man) then. If you have learned or, know how to think, you are much better than those who are highly educated but don't know how to think. Because, if you can think you can plan, you can find ways, you can introspect, retrospect, analyze, and ideate on situations, problems to find solutions and ways to ease it. This is what human life is meant for. If you can think, you can put people at work. You don't have to work yourself. People who can't think, work but people who can think, they put others to work. K iw your value, your worth, your role. Life is too short to do everything on your own and live a great life. If you can t

Live today, there is no tomorrow

 If you are not living today, there is no life tomorrow. Tomorrow, you can wait only for death. Life is when you meet people, connect with them, have joy with them, travel, see new people, new places. Money is just a tool that solves problems fastest. There are other options that can be considered to live and fulfill all wishes. Live your own life and retire. If you are not focused on living, enjoying your own life, showing your own show to the world; you'll end up like a loser in life. Be focused on living, doing, and enjoying your own life. Life is too short to give your time to see others. Fear can only kill you.  Prepare for today to live the best tomorrow. Never compare yourself with others because what you have had till today, others may not have had. Stay fit, work hard, take challenges, take risks, learn working on your own projects in very minimal time, work to save time to live and work on your own projects, work to do future preparation, work to become free tomorrow, and

Just be unstoppable

 Waiting for a good time? Huh! This is ruthless world, people here never like you doing something great or, better than them. Just start, keep going and make things happen. Show your manhood. Don't be a loser. Fo whatever you can, wherever you wish and whenever. But keep doing, never stop. Nobody cares or, give a shit. So, just do and keep doing #AllAsPlanned Rise everyday like a rocket in the sky. Work hard. Just do it. Let the world accept you Play like anything mentally and physically too. Rise everyday. Be the next emperor Vishwajayant Adhiraj. Fear, hesitation,doubt are meant for losers need nothing and killing time. Winners make everything possible. (The young rich guys coming from a good background, thinking they are the only smart people, won't ever let you to be better than them.) Police, system, govt. nobody. Just make sure things happen. A lot of challenges are still there.So, be at the top asap. Kiling time means killing possibilities qnd opportunities.

आजाद भारत, गुलाम युवा

 (Kindly translate the blog in your mother language from the side bar) आजाद तुम होगे एक आजाद देश में पर तुम्हें आजादी नहीं है। तुम अभी भी जकड़े हुए हो मानसिक जंजीरों में दुनिया की गलत अवधारणा में गलत विचारों में अविकसित सोच वाले लोगों के वातावरण में। तुम आजाद रहकर भी उड़ नहीं पा रहे हो। तुम्हारे पंख तो हैं पर उसमें उड़ान भरने का ताकत है पर विश्वास नहीं। इसलिए आजाद देश में तुम आजाद नहीं हो जब तक कि तुम अपने विचारों को रखने का स्वतंत्र रूप से शुरू ना कर दो। निर्भय होकर स्वतंत्र रूप से इच्छा अनुसार जिंदगी में कुछ करने न लग जाओ। जब तक तुम स्वतंत्र रूप से किसी भी कार्य को करना शुरू ना कर दो जब तक तू स्वतंत्र रूप से किसी भी चीज को संभव होना सोचना शुरु ना कर दो। देश आजाद जरूर है पर हमारी देश की व्यवस्था या फिर अंग्रेजों ने जो व्यवस्था दे रखा है इस देश को उसकी वजह से आज भी तो उन मानसिक जंजीरों में जकड़े हुए हो और जिस वजह से जीवन में तुम्हारा ना तो उत्थान हो रहा है और ना ही उन्नति हो रही है। इन जंजीरों से निकलने का एक ही उपाय है अपने विचारों पर विश्वास अपनी अंतरात्मा से बातें करना और हर वह चीज

'Can do' nonsense or, 'I do' make sense

Ofcourse, you can do. You are the most supreme creature -human being but the thing is you are doing or, not. "I can, will never help you but I do, can definitely help you". Everybody can do afterall we all are human being. We can take any shape provided we believe it is possible.  We all are blessed to do anything. This is where we are superior to other species on the planet earth. But the thing is whether you are doing or, not. If yes, you are the winner, you'll rock, all is yours. Yhe only problem is that people dont want to do and if you can ,you matter and nobody. The only challenge that this world faces is- nobody wants to do anything and at the same time wants everything. If you can try to do something, can do something, believe in doing; nobody can be as strong as you would, as wealthy as you would, as powerful as you would. Human life has limitless possibilities,limitless Opportunities. The only species that can create opportunities for oneself and for others. If

Life-Fight for Right (जिंदगी- हक की लड़ाई)

There is enough land available to have a home but it has been captured by people in power, by the ruling government to extract money from people who need it.  There must be a rule to provide some land to every single child taking birth. We have to buy everything here instead of getting it as a universal right. Everyone who take birth on the earth have rigjt to occupy or, possess all the five elements for free- air, water, soil,open sky and fire. There shouldn't be a a price to own it. It belongs to nobody, not even to government. If so, they should provide an option to acquire some land to all their citizens anywhere in the country for their habitations. (Sunny selling panipuri in Bengaluru, age-12 from U.P.) Land, water, air, sky, fire- all five elements are freely available to humans but since people in power can have control over land and water, they sell it to reign in their Empire. Enough is enough. The country man must be given land by the government to live with their family

Legacy of casteism must be continued- नीच जात कौन?

जातिवाद का अंत असंभव-जाति प्रथा मानव कल्याण जातिवाद था और जातिवाद सदियों तक रहेगा भी। जातिवाद का अंत असंभव है। आइए जानते हैं कैसे। (Dear readers, kindly translate the article in your respective mother tongue from the side column. सदियों से यह बात चला रहा है कि 4 तरह के जात होते हैं पहला ब्राह्मण क्षत्रिय शूद्र और वैश्य पर क्या यह सच बात है और अगर है तो किस आधार पर जांच को नीच कहा गया है इसी बात को आज हम समझेगें। जाति का तात्पर्य यह है कि आपकी मानसिकता कैसी है आप किस तरह के कार्य को करते हैं किस तरह का सोच रखते हैं इसका आपके समुदाय या जन्म से कोई लेना देना नहीं है। आइए नीच जात के कुछ उदाहरण को देखें- अगर आप बेवजह जीवन में संकोच और भय रखते हैं तो आप नीच जाती के हैं। अगर आप अपने जीवन के मार्ग पर चलने का साहस नहीं रहते हैं तो आप नीच जाति के हैं। अगर आपके जीवन में कोई लक्ष्य नहीं है और आप किसी भी काम को अधूरा छोड़ देते हैं तो आप नीच जाति के हैं। नीच जाति के लोग सोच की दृष्टि से जीवन को देखते हैं परंतु उच्च जाति के लोग कार्य की दृष्टि से जीवन को देखते हैं। अगर आप घर परिवार की जिम्मेदारी के स

Happiness costly or, lost?

 Do we really need money to buy happiness? ( You can buy anything with money. Really! I never saw a shop, company selling happiness in some packet or, pouch. I only observed people sharing it for free.  I saw a street boy becoming very happy when he sold his entire bouquet of roses at once. He didn't buy, he sold. A saw an old man becoming very happy when someone took him for a lumch in a restaurant.  I saw a customer buying a car became happier when he was with someone and not when he was alone. Happiness is all about to share with somebody. You become more happy when someone is with you and not when you are alone buying everything and remaining sad and dull. The only thing is, Happiness is lost, it can neither be bought nor can be enjoyed alone. It is free and costly.  A man when he comes out of his home, should keep in mind that he is going out only to bring happiness to his home for himself, for his family. The moment he enters the home he should retain in mind that he has happ

First V-Strom Tour in Bangalore

Dear V-Strom riders, I see a brother in you, I see a friend in you, Thanks to Avanish Suzuki, Thanks to Suzuki motorbike India. Dear all V-Strom Riders, Dear fellow Bangaloreans,  It was Sunday, 27 November, 2022 when we all got together for a Tour to Q Mango Forest resort, To enjoy the day, to live the best and then forget the rest. The Marshall, the Manager Manoj called us at 5am, The General manager, the registration officer asked to put our life on paper before even we start our day, and reach the destination to enjoy all the play. We all sacrificed our late morning wake up routine and and got together to surprise them, If you care and can arrange a tour, we are also ready, we are V-Strom riders, we talk with storm and not street riders like KTM who ply to streetriders, not to V-Stromers. We filled up the form to claim that our life belongs to us only. If we are riding to stay cool, we are also hiding from the problems full of pool, We signed the letter and moved from there, becaus

One day of Life

  Your OneDay of life is going to over now today itself from the Limited years of life you have in your life. Did you notice? No, you don't as you don't care about it. But do you care that you how much you have paid prices for nothing so far and still you are paying those prices? If you do you should care how your living your life. You are not wasting your day, you are dying by one day. You are getting over by OneDay as you have limited life span. Do not confused with the unlimited world around you it will exist but you will die soon. Your one day of life is getting over every day by day by day. you are now OneDay old. You are lapsed by OneDay. Your age is reduced by OneDay. One day of your life is never gonna come again, you have to live and enjoy only the remaining days of life. The most important thing is you don't know how many days are still remaining in your life. But the sad fact is you know how much struggle you have done how much you have tolerated how much sacrifi

Think Not

Think Not Thinking is the most powerful way to release energy and this energy goes into the universe and the universe accordingly finds the source of your thought and meets its destination. Never think anything negative if you think negatively the released energy through thinking start finding the source of energy and again the destination of negative energy so when you think negatively the outcome is negative. Everything is energy in this world in this universe the sun is energy, the Earth, the Ocean, the Wind, and fire. Everything is energy even humans are energy. Never think anything wrong anything negative if so the energy you release starts finding it's a powerful source that can help meet its destination.

Be the moderate not too

 I am 'A too serious man' Let's talk about myself first. I think I'm too serious about life. Instead of enjoying it like a play, I am very much concerned about outcomes results consequences. Why? So the only problem with we all have is either we are too serious, too fearful too scared or too diffident. Why Why are we not moderate in many ways moderation is needed to leave a happy balance life. Be a little Daredevil A little courageous A little bold A little mad a little crazy a little careless a little fairness because this is where live begins like is the mix of many colours. Sticking with one side is making it either totally blank or colourless. Why? Nobody will ever come to teach you all these lessons we have to do you just have to make a copy or keep or copy of this remind yourself and we are little serious be a little careless. This is how you can maintain the moderation in the life. You are not living a life if you find things odd like why do girls booze? why do t

Fact Check of Life: Rule of My Life

 Don't buy a product from the companies that do not have 'Kisan support foundation, Child support foundation, Unemployment support foundation'. Men are born to rule, animals are born to work. If you do not know anything to do in life then learn just one thing which is to get the job done by others. To remain productive, you must keep an assistant who can help you to do and finish the less important tasks of day to day activity. If you can focus on your Work with consistent learning then you can beat the world.Make this a habit. Have guts and courage to do which you have never assumed earlier in life to do. Learn to face people, face a mass of people, do public speaking, be robust and bold; as the last chance of life, no alternative. Know! God gives opportunity to those who take too risk and do everything in just one's own favor without caring for anything by spoiling all rules. So take a risk at best. Read biographies, Quotes, and documentaries on successful people to k