
Showing posts from 2021

Shout! I will Rise- Read, Rise, Relish!

Poverty is a choice, poverty is a mindset. Poverty is not a curse, poverty is an opportunity

 Y ou accept it what it comes to your way easily and poverty becomes your choice, your destiny. You accept it and it becomes your fate. You think it exists for everyone, yes it is for everyone. it never goes away now you start adjusting, compromising with all what you have at present and by doing so it becomes your mindset, then habit then your fate and then your lifestyle- a lifestyle of living in poverty.  living there entire life in comfort zone doing all what you can't do easily without challenging yourself and your situation, without shaking hands with discipline, new learning, new skills is curse. either you choose to fight with poverty and win over it or live with it compromising and adjusting throughout the life.  accept the pain for few years or complete the painful journey throughout the life with your entire family.  poverty will kill you not every single day but every single moment.  Choice How: Decision How: Mindset How: Curse how: Opportunity how: ...

The Life of a Knife

  The life of a Knife "When nothing goes well, change the place and the situation changes for sure". "Change the stage and the show is always different. The biggest platform is the world itself". Story of a Knife: A knife, when in hand of a chef, cuts vegetables, when in hand of a housewife helps her in kitchen, when in hand of a spy can help protecting his nation, when in hand of fruit sellers can help him cutting fruits to sell his fruits and when the same knife comes in the hand of a warrior, the warrior wins the war, the battle and win the whole kingdom. Now what is here to take into account? Not the knife but it's place, it's valuation done for various purposes. The story is same with we all human beings. It is the same knife that acts in the same way but as per purpose, it brings a great value with itself. The thing remains the same only its power and and value changes with the change of place. A warrior can win a war or battle with the knife by kidnap...

Embrace the Change to bring the Change

 Embrace the change to bring the change-2022 Embrace the change, Face the change.  It will be painful, new to adjust, new to do, new to experience but yes it would be great experience. New connection, new approaches, new people, everything new. I think that would have much potential to change my life. I am ready to do if it takes me to the next level of my life. Afterall, what I am getting while doing some donkey job that has not supported muc. This time, place, opportunity, age will never come.back again. I am going to take initiative now. I know I wil fail multiple times, time and again but still I will keep trying to reach out. One life to live, one life to do miracles. Staying in Comfort is killing all my dreams, new opportunities, this great golden time, this young age.  I have to jump now... I have to move out of the comfort zone now... New year, new hopes, new opportunities, new possibilities are waiting for me in the coming new year. I am not lost in life. I am no...

You still have one opportunity...

 You still have one opportunity... If you think you are young you can walk you can speak you can learn you can work hard you can move from one place to another you can think anything you have a mind to think to analyse trust me you have the power to change the world to change your life you can do it.  You just have to think then keep thinking, believe then keep believing, do then keep doing and then you are there. You have an opportunity to bring a change in the life that you have got for yourself,  You have an opportunity to bring a change in the life of those who cant work for themselves or, not in a position to work for themselves or not in opposition to do something on their own now- the children at home, the elderly parents, and people at home, There are millions in the country who have the same situation where they do not have the same opportunity to do something for themselves and for the the rest of the world. You have got one life to utilise it at best. Now you d...

How can I...?

 How can I...? How can I learn to manage things by adjusting with what I have got when the entire world belongs to me in the same way as belongs to others who are already ruling? How can I think of working only for money when I can do miracles being the most supreme creature on the planet? How can I live the life like others who are lost in life and have no value of this precious life? How can I not learn when there are many opene sources from great people, which can feed my mind right things for a better future? How can I not work hard to maintain the beauty of this life when everything on earth and in the univers is beautiful? How can I live the normal life when I have paid all the prices needed for a better life? How can I settle merely for three times food and a comfortable life when every great things in the whole world is waiting for me to achieve it? How can I not work hard to make this life beautiful when I can work hard for it? How can I not grind when I am young to achiev...

Call me a Hustler

  Call me a Hustler... I am not a writer call me a hustler, I write because I want to change the life of people through words. I am not a philosopher call me a hustler, I do philosophy because I learn the world through experiences, from nature. I am not a motivational speaker call me a hustler, I do motivational speaking because I am a self-motivator hence I want to motivate others too.  I'm not a multilingual singer call me a hustler, I sing because singing is best possible way to express all your feelings- joy, pain, grief, all the feelings.  l am not an educationist call me a hustler, I do because valuable education empowers people.  I'm not a mimicry artiste call me  a hustler, I do mimicry because I tried to do someday in my extreme days and had fun through it. I am not an actor call me a hustler, I do acting because to live in this world, you too have to do now or, someday.  I am not a teacher call me a hustler, I teach because this is what supported ...

Speed- The insanity for Success

Speed-Does it scare you or, you already possess it to scare the world? Speed is the power that haunt the world, that daunt the World. "The world respects those who have speed the world fear from those who have speed the world salutes those who are always in speed". Speed in Reading, Speed in Learning, Speed in working, Speed in executing, Speed in taking decisions,...what is counted is just Speed. Move fast, hustle like anything to make money while taking a job in hand for survival. People have always complaints about time. "I don't have time or, I don't get time". But instead of making excuses for yourself, why don't you focus on speed. Learning to execute things in seconds, in minutes instead of hours or, day. Job hours has made you creep, no doubt. Push extra hard to move up, tackle or, smash everything coming your way to maintain the speed. A lot is there to acahive, to gain to enjoy. All the great opportunities of life come for S in business in rela...

International Men's Day-2021

  "Men will always be men" Men are those who always give a try, Men are those who always push hard to fly, Men are not those who say I never Cry, Men Try, Fly, Cry becasue men will always be men. Men are those who think they can, Men are those who believe they can, because men will always be men. Men are those who fly high in sky by holding the hands of women they have, because they know that women too can fly high in sky, They do so because Men will always be men.  Men are those who win the heart and not hurt the heart, Men give a try with a Hi! when it comes to show their love with a shy, Men never hurt, they get hurt, because men will always be men. Men always know that life is all about giving a try, As nothing comes in life when you your moves are full of sly. Men are made strong to hold the hands of weak, because they know poor are weak and not meant to be given a tweak, Men hold strong and not show strong because men will always be men.        ...

Time is Life: Life ends when Time ends

  Time is Life: Life ends when Time ends "Time is God, Time is life."-Vishwajayant Adhiraj Time is Money when you become productive. Time is life when you convert every moment in happiness. Time is the best gift presenter when you worked today for a better tomorrow, Time is the worst devil when you didn't do anything today that could bring fruits for tomorrow, Time sees you, time puts an eye on you, time talks to you, Time becomes a mirror for you for your past and future both, Time is the angel ,time is the devil. Time says respect me and I'll take care of everything for you. Life ends when time ends. Time says- I am available to you. Now people in the world is utilizing it for their own sake, don't come to me complaining about something on your life.  Time is life as life is made of time. Use your time for your life, else people will use it for their own life. There is only one God-Time. Fear from it, care for it. You are losing nothing but time. If you are car...

How fast can you pull a Rickshaw

How fast can you pull a Rickshaw If you think you are best in pulling Rickshaw because you can ride with style, you are educated than anyone else there, you talk and behave well with your customers. You are best in everything but the only problem is that you work very hard but landing nowhere as not able to generate enough money or, grab a good growth. Now what to do.  No matter how talented you are in riding a rickshaw, how fast you can ride everyday, how many trips you can complete everyday; your value, your income and your growth is not going to be super successful because what you do is not important, how you take it to the next level is the only important thing. This is the story that connects with many people in my country India and in the rest of the world. You are best in your work, you are doing well, performing well but you do not have the satisfactory success. You cry everyday, you get frustrated everyday. Now, what to do? Remember, the world has millions of people and ...

Goal-2022: (Pledge for a better life - Resolution)

Stop seeing your life and it's beauty through the eyes of money and the adrift opinions of this blind world.Trust me human-being is such a species who can live the life the way he think, the way he wants. Human being, is the most powerful creature in the universe always befooled by its own community.  Now, 2022 is quite near...pledge to live the life you wish, you want, no matter what happens. Now, How should Life be in 2022 - Bindas Ghumo(Travel frequently), Logon se milne aur judne ka aadat dalo(Connect with strange people), Shopping karo(Do shopping),Din raat karke zabardast kamao(earn while resting in hell), Pagli ki tarah Nacho(dance crazily),  dil se Gaao(Sing with pain in heart) milkar kisi ke bhi saath aur  khao piyo aur Mast Jiyo(Eat,drink and live carefree).  Bas Isi tatr par ab life chalega chahe jaise bi, kasam kha lo.(Now, the life will be like this only no matter what happens). Promise yourself that no matter what you will divide time and live your rest...

Crazy mind for a Crazy life-I

 If the path to success were too easy,everyone would have copied it. Every success has its own story. You build your own road to success and reign the rest of life there. You didn't try to do and accomplished because you cared for people, now if you really cared for people,you would have done. Stay away from people because nobody wants you to be successful you when your own friends and family members. You are born right but the world will manipulate you your brain in such a way that you will only ec2 failures in life and not success and never people are contagious nowadays. Do good and good things will come to you, do great and great things will comento you. When you have nobody in life , make books your frinds and philosopher". Be tough for yourself for a better life else the world will become tough for you. Make your life better before you mak someone else life better even in family. People can only Criticize you if neither you are good or, they are in good shape of life. Wh...

What do you feed your mind? Chicken?

India is a country where barely someone knows that they have to feed their mind too in addition to feeding their stomach. What you see in the surrounding, you try to become accordingly. Car manufacturing, or, car selling; Auto manufacturing ,or auto driving; all are the outcome of inspiration you have recieved from the surrounding. You get all these inspiration by seeing, observing. This is how your brain is fed and what you Feed to your mind, it gives shape to your life, career. No one is too blessed, too lucky. You think about feeding your stomach, KFC, Macdonalds, Etc .But what you have ever thought to feed your mind, nothing! You just put garbage by watching movies of substandard actors, or, cheap people in surrounding. Once your goal is clear, you find ways to reach there,no matter how. Mine is 1 lac crore, 100 million education, 1 lac employment creation. Binny Bansal and Sachin Bansal saw Amazon doing e-commerce business, got inspired, collected information and started their own...

Seize the Happiness: Leverage happiness to liberate Sadness

 Leverage happiness to liberate Sadness: Seize the Happiness,Shackle the Sadness If you haven't made your own world to live in this world then you are surely living in someone else's world and trust me you are not living a good life. People fight here not because of things they lack in life but because of frustrations and anger they have inside them of not having them. Nothing is 100%. Neither happiness ,nor sadness. Neither success, nor failures. it means if you reach and stay beside seashore, someday you'll get a fish for sure from somewhere, by some means. So, be what you want to be, wherever you want to be. The entire world belongs to you.It is you who doesn't want to fight to acquire,achive or, get something you want and let others enjoy it.People who can fight with education, power of network, and with their talents, win the world or, whatever they want. The biggest thing to enjoy in the whole world is your own life. You abuse and blame the creator, the world,the ...

Learn Money skills

 FINANCIAL Quotes: You have no control over money because you have never tried to make a control over money; you never even tried to do that or, you don't even learn too. When you do job Money comes as a prostitute, When you do business money comes as a girlfriend, and when you become an investor money comes as a wife. The day you learn to impress money not people you start becoming rich. The biggest game that somebody can play is in making wealth. You either do weird or, extraordinary to make money; no third option. Use money as a tool, not as a commodity. There is so much wealth in this world. Even if you become a billionaire, you still can feel like a broke. Have fear of losing Money when you are spending and not when you are investing. Investment is the game of patience. Fear exist in the absence of right information. Collect it to amend your approach towards investment. Stretch your wings at best if you still think you are not settled or, your dreams are not fulfilled. Money i...

Beauty of Life: Live it, maintain it.

  Life is beautiful: Life is beautiful when you do what you like to do. When you live the life, you want to live. Life is beautiful when you remain the way you are then it is colourful. life is beauty . life is colour. life is natural. so be the way you are. the moment you copy, the moment you make yourself like someone else, you destroy the beauty of life. everyone in this world, they do their own job to earn a livelihood. it doesn't mean you should live or, start living the life, the way they want or, the way they expect from you. you are the beauty to this world when you keep yourself the way you are, the way you want, your mind says, your heart says. The world is full of idiots. If someone comes to you and comment something about your simply means, they are useless in their own life where they have a lot of time to interfere in someone else' life. Beautiful people, beautiful mind always appreciates all what they see it, come across. People doing their own job for a ...

Just go and get it

  It's not too late. Just go and get them The only problem is that you are not able to understand the business in the life. You want comfort you have it you want laziness you have it you want nothing you have it you don't want to do anything you have it you don't want to take initiative you have it you don't want to think anything new you have it you know that it is staying in a single place aur job aur education for thought is like rotting there but still you don't want to change it and you have it. So what you want you actually have it in your life don't blame anyone just because you wish to have something once in a wine but don't take action don't move in that direction and don't try to get that. You want it job and you have it you want to stay with your family you have it you don't understand that life is all about keep moving and not settling settling is like rotting like water rusting like iron vanishing like vapourr. Decide today whatever ...

Lesson on Life Skills- Wise words

 Do anything,anyhow, anyway. Do worst but do something consistently. do at least. Doing anything/something is much better than doing nothing. Taking any action is a good action. Action brings results, any result but not zero result. Perfection only decides percentage and perfection comes by doing. DO worst,do something but do. The only thing you should think of doing, good, bad, worse whatever. The world has already done best and worst than even you can imagine to do. So, just do. Failure brings more success. the day you will understand this,you will be on the way of success. You compromise,tolerate, the moment you doubt yourself. The only thing you have to learn in life is to solve problems. It is tbought that makes you richest and not the money.if you understood this, you are one of them. To live well, keep fake face for the world and real face for yourself. Beauty comes with the work you do in life. If you want to change your fate, work on youraelf atleast 5-10 minutes everyday....

Faith-The only reason behind the Existence of Human

Faith- The source of Universal Power: You walk because you have faith that you can walk and you will not fall down, You learn when you have faith that knowledge can change your life by changing your perspective, your mindset, your habit, You do something and you become successful when you have faith that you can become successful, You try something new with some faith that it will or, it may change my life and then you do it and then it happens, You cross the road with the faith that I will safely cross the road and then you do it successfully, You ride a bike, you drive a car because you know that you can do it and you do it successfully, You sit in exam because you know that you can write the answers, you can write fast and you can clear the exam then do it and pass the exam because you had faith on it, You make your faith mature with the plan you have, preparation you have done, practice you have done for something. Now you can and you have to pass the exam. It is the faith that...


 Explore! Life is more about exploring and less about doing. Explore new opportunities to get new experiences to move up in life. Explore new places to meet new people to know more new culture 20 stand and learn new language and experience new climates. Explore yourself to find the hidden talents to know your true power to understand this life and to find a purpose in life. If you are at work if you do some job then explore new opportunities new jobs for a better payout, If you are in business then explore new opportunities to grow your business explore new ways to get more clients and customers. If you want it a good happy and better relationship explore something new in your partner's and tell him tailor explore something which your partner doesn't know about himself or herself, If you are a parent then help your children to explore new opportunities new platforms to move up in life, Explore new food on new places, it changes the mood, If you are sad then explore new ways to ...

Lion's Mentality, Eagles Attitude

 Lion's Mentality, Eagle's Attitude: First of all you cannot become a lion by carrying the attitude of hyena or, jackal, or, fox. Either you have to give up or, forget to adapt the mentality and attitude of lions and eagles. Before you become a lion, leave all the characteristics of other animals behind. Lion's Mentality: Have you ever found a lion looking for a friend in jungle? (Living alone is a lifestyle they have because they don't like it). Lion doesn't have the mentality of snatching, duping ever snatches. Lion never snatches food from jackals, hyena or, other animals. It kills it's wn to feed it's family. You can always see his fearlessness in his eyes only. A lion always walks with grace that shows his pride in it. You will never see a lion showing its power on Jackals. It reflects only through it's action when he acts or, attack for food. Lion never collects food for months to eat and live. All humans are the civilized animals of jungle but you...