
Showing posts with the label Book- soul of dead great personalities

Shout! I will Rise- Read, Rise, Relish!

What is the importance of Case studies? How it is the best possible way, online asset to earn online income? Provide evidences, examples and income proofs in support.

Importance of Case Studies Demonstrating Expertise and Credibility Showcasing Success : Case studies provide real-life examples of how a product or service has successfully addressed a customer's problem, demonstrating the effectiveness and reliability of the solution. Building Trust : By highlighting actual results, case studies build trust with potential customers, showing that the business has a proven track record. Educational Value In-depth Analysis : Case studies offer detailed analysis and insights into specific challenges and solutions, serving as valuable educational resources for other businesses and professionals. Learning Tool : They can be used as teaching materials in academic and professional development settings, helping learners understand practical applications of theoretical concepts. Marketing and Sales Tool Lead Generation : Well-crafted case studies can attract potential customers who are searching for solutions to similar problems, generating leads for the bu

Books - The Soul of Dead Great Minds

  Great Personalities died but they remained with us even today in the form of  Books? Nota bene: (Get your Free course copies on Personal Skills Development for Basic Employable Skills from Edplodia University on Mission Edplodia: Basic Employable Skills-2025 with a timeline at the bottom of this Blog; Platform-Udemy Inc.-USA) I am dead! my son, my friend, my countrymen, I am dead! Do you still love me? It's been a long year you haven't contacted me. When I was alive everybody wanted to meet me, talk to me, spend time with me but now since I am dead nobody cares about me, nobody. My ideas, thoughts, experiences that I put in some books when I was alive, or, somebody put on my behalf, are rotting in the corner of some bookstall, book store. Did you know that what I did was just for the sake of the world but the blindness that you had of money, didn't allow you to focus on it. I never wanted to make money through my books. Even no great personality wants to make money by wri