
Showing posts from June 18, 2023

Shout! I will Rise- Read, Rise, Relish!

Poverty is a choice, poverty is a mindset. Poverty is curse, poverty ia an opportunity

 Y ou accept it easily what it comes to your way easily and poverty becomes your choice, your destiny. You accept it and it becomes your fate. You think it exists for everyone, yes it is for everyone. it never goes away now you start adjusting, compromising with all what you have at present and by doing so it becomes your mindset, then habit then your fate and then your lifestyle- a lifestyle of living in poverty.  living there entire life in comfort zone doing all what you can't do easily without challenging yourself and your situation, without shaking hands with discipline, new learning, new skills is curse. either you choose to fight with poverty and win over it or live with it compromising and adjusting throughout the life.  accept the pain for few years or complete the painful journey throughout the life with your entire family.  poverty will kill you not every single day but every single moment.  Choice How: Desicision How: Mindset How: Curse how: Opportunity how: No instant

अब और कब उड़ान भरोगे ।।

 अब और कब कब तक डरते रहोगे, कब तक निकम्मा बने रहोगे, कब खुद पर विश्वास आएगा, कब तुम चीजों को करके दिखाओगे, कब तुम एक चीज को लेकर मेहनत करना शुरू करोगे, कब तुम सब कुछ पाओगे अब और किस उम्र में। कब तक अब और यह चलेगा, अब और कब उड़ान भरोगे ।।  क्या तुम्हारी जवानी, तुम्हारा उम्र, तुम्हारी ऊर्जा, यह समय, यह जगह सब एक जैसा रहेगा? कब तक पल्ले में झूलते रहोगे, कब तक समंदर के किनारे पर बैठकर मरी हुई मछलियां खाते रहोगे, कब तक गिरे हुए दानों को चूगते रहोगे।   कब तक अब और यह चलेगा, अब और कब उड़ान भरोगे ।। क्या तुम्हें लगता है कि कोई तुम्हारे लिए आकर कभी करेगा क्या तुम्हें लगता है कि कोई तुम्हें समझेगा भी क्या तुम्हें लगता है कि कोई तुम्हारे लिए तुम्हारी जिंदगी जीने आएगा क्या तुम्हें लगता है कि कोई कभी तुम्हारी ख्वाहिशें पूरी करने आएगा।  कब तक अब और यह चलेगा, अब और कब उड़ान भरोगे ।। क्यों तुम्हें लगता है कि जिंदगी तुम्हारे हिसाब से चलती रहेगी वक्त तुम्हारे लिए ठहरा हुआ रहेगा जिंदगी की हर वह चीज जो तुम पाना चाहते हो तुम्हारे लिए तुम्हारा इंतजार करते रहेगी क्यों तुम्हें ऐसा लगता है और क्या वजह है। कहीं

Special Highlight: The greatest Vision, A Visionary Man

 You become greatest by having a greatest vision and not with some education talent or skill that anybody can have the greatest vision is always like the Deep bottom of an ocean the other side of the cloud or the other side of a mountain that people can't see or believe on something. It is always an imagination for the existence of something. It might or might not exist but on the basis of your imagination, you make sure that it should exist. The most strangest part of the process of becoming a visionary is, by the time most of the people are already successful in life you will have only a concrete vision. But the most interesting part is by the time people will be making their home, you will have a system, a world that will include all their homes into it. Now you take all the possible steps, you make the environment accordingly and after so much effort for at least a decade, you turn your imagination into reality. it means you are vision terms into reality. We can simply understa