
Showing posts from December 11, 2022

Shout! I will Rise- Read, Rise, Relish!

What is the importance of Case studies? How it is the best possible way, online asset to earn online income? Provide evidences, examples and income proofs in support.

Importance of Case Studies Demonstrating Expertise and Credibility Showcasing Success : Case studies provide real-life examples of how a product or service has successfully addressed a customer's problem, demonstrating the effectiveness and reliability of the solution. Building Trust : By highlighting actual results, case studies build trust with potential customers, showing that the business has a proven track record. Educational Value In-depth Analysis : Case studies offer detailed analysis and insights into specific challenges and solutions, serving as valuable educational resources for other businesses and professionals. Learning Tool : They can be used as teaching materials in academic and professional development settings, helping learners understand practical applications of theoretical concepts. Marketing and Sales Tool Lead Generation : Well-crafted case studies can attract potential customers who are searching for solutions to similar problems, generating leads for the bu

आजाद भारत, गुलाम युवा

 (Kindly translate the blog in your mother language from the side bar) आजाद तुम होगे एक आजाद देश में पर तुम्हें आजादी नहीं है। तुम अभी भी जकड़े हुए हो मानसिक जंजीरों में दुनिया की गलत अवधारणा में गलत विचारों में अविकसित सोच वाले लोगों के वातावरण में। तुम आजाद रहकर भी उड़ नहीं पा रहे हो। तुम्हारे पंख तो हैं पर उसमें उड़ान भरने का ताकत है पर विश्वास नहीं। इसलिए आजाद देश में तुम आजाद नहीं हो जब तक कि तुम अपने विचारों को रखने का स्वतंत्र रूप से शुरू ना कर दो। निर्भय होकर स्वतंत्र रूप से इच्छा अनुसार जिंदगी में कुछ करने न लग जाओ। जब तक तुम स्वतंत्र रूप से किसी भी कार्य को करना शुरू ना कर दो जब तक तू स्वतंत्र रूप से किसी भी चीज को संभव होना सोचना शुरु ना कर दो। देश आजाद जरूर है पर हमारी देश की व्यवस्था या फिर अंग्रेजों ने जो व्यवस्था दे रखा है इस देश को उसकी वजह से आज भी तो उन मानसिक जंजीरों में जकड़े हुए हो और जिस वजह से जीवन में तुम्हारा ना तो उत्थान हो रहा है और ना ही उन्नति हो रही है। इन जंजीरों से निकलने का एक ही उपाय है अपने विचारों पर विश्वास अपनी अंतरात्मा से बातें करना और हर वह चीज

'Can do' nonsense or, 'I do' make sense

Ofcourse, you can do. You are the most supreme creature -human being but the thing is you are doing or, not. "I can, will never help you but I do, can definitely help you". Everybody can do afterall we all are human being. We can take any shape provided we believe it is possible.  We all are blessed to do anything. This is where we are superior to other species on the planet earth. But the thing is whether you are doing or, not. If yes, you are the winner, you'll rock, all is yours. Yhe only problem is that people dont want to do and if you can ,you matter and nobody. The only challenge that this world faces is- nobody wants to do anything and at the same time wants everything. If you can try to do something, can do something, believe in doing; nobody can be as strong as you would, as wealthy as you would, as powerful as you would. Human life has limitless possibilities,limitless Opportunities. The only species that can create opportunities for oneself and for others. If

Life-Fight for Right (जिंदगी- हक की लड़ाई)

There is enough land available to have a home but it has been captured by people in power, by the ruling government to extract money from people who need it.  There must be a rule to provide some land to every single child taking birth. We have to buy everything here instead of getting it as a universal right. Everyone who take birth on the earth have rigjt to occupy or, possess all the five elements for free- air, water, soil,open sky and fire. There shouldn't be a a price to own it. It belongs to nobody, not even to government. If so, they should provide an option to acquire some land to all their citizens anywhere in the country for their habitations. (Sunny selling panipuri in Bengaluru, age-12 from U.P.) Land, water, air, sky, fire- all five elements are freely available to humans but since people in power can have control over land and water, they sell it to reign in their Empire. Enough is enough. The country man must be given land by the government to live with their family