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Fate or, Frailty: Your Choice becomes your Destiny with your Mentality & Habit
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We are what we chose to be. It is our single choice that decides our destiny.
What is the choice? A choice is nothing but our priority. Our priority over other things. What we chose we become. If we choose to do nothing, we become lazy and idle person but if we choose to do something for sure, it again becomes a choice. The day to day basis choices leads us somewhere. So, beware of the selection of choices, about the priority because one choice can lead us to somewhere from where it sometimes becomes too hard to return. Do not take action without analyzing the consequences of this action. Know the history and future of both. Merely checking the instant result or, the instant need shouldn't be the factor for it.
Life is like a road. We should always pick what is needed to be on the same track and not the thing that lucubrates us to switch the track. maybe that we are not the boss of the other track that has fascinated us to join it. Stay on the same track always, even if the track is sometimes too hard to endure. Keep going, be nonstop even if there is no result because this is actually life. Life is a road where we can't sit idle unless we have something for protection.
If you want to destroy someone then spoil his mentality to make his habit bad to worse. It will automatically destroy him in installments. For example, if someone is doing wrong and even if he is your enemy support him do so by managing your minor losses till the time his bad mindset matures and his mindsets converts into his bad habit. Rest everything will be taken care of by his bad mindsets only and he will be destroyed.
Story of 2 daughters:
one needed lots of money for her lifestyle-father managed to give her everytime.
One cared her father- and her father also didn't bother to fulfil her wishes.
This is how the world works. It was not the fate of 2nd goirl, who didn't not want anything andaccuswed her fate but it was her frailty only.
Story of 2 sons-
one who boozed and smoked and one just remain gentle and got nothing in life.Life never work like this. You have to learn how to get, anfd by fighting for it too.
Fate or, Frailty
To You save money you travel in public transports.and wishes to grow in life. You forget that you have no priority of time over money.youbare saving money and not time and this is your Frailty not fate.
To save money,you try to do everything in life but you forget that you involve yourself in many things that shifts your focus from the value of time to money. It is your Frailty and not fate. Why don't you keep a helper/secretary personal to do all the unproductive or,less productive stuffs of life which will help you to go us yourself on the only productive things. It will bring fortune to you and not that mindset you is your Frailty and not fate.
You can't take risk, you can't over expand your existing potential, you fear to move out of your comfort is your Frailty and not fate.
It is your orientation that will decide whether your hungee stomach makes you or breaks you.
My Son your dad is not yet dead.
If people don't understand you but you understand yourself and have total faith,you are going to do something really massive.
Nothing is wrong except your thought and perspective.
To he world belongs to me n I play here not just live. I pay with those hi whovdistortvthecsysrem
Value your time, energy and words ; you'll be valuable to others.
Life is like a mountain you can not live it happily unless you are together.
Duniya udhar ka udhar Karne me liye,din-raat ek karna pasta hai wo bhi saalon Tak.
Struggle jitna hard ho, Raftaar aage badhne ki utni hi tez karo.
There is no different world.yoi have to do everything here itself. The only thing is learn to do soon.All do,you also learn to do.
Nothing is 100% neither success not failure.
Before you v comena Visionary Leader, you should have your own viison fiart with full proof plans.
Status is not with the wealth and money you have, status is reflected through with what you soldbto become rich- product, service,Talents,Words or, Ideas. Because this is how you inspire the world.
No great fighter has ever won a single fight of love & wealth and without getting wounded.
No great fight has ever been won without getting wounded .
It is the level of energy that decide success or, failure and nothing else.
Thinking & Focusing is the high source of energy wastage.putbit accordingly.
There is always a source of energy for everyone's power and always a point of weakness.
Focus and thought are the worst way of wasting 90% of energy in say to day. life.Avoid them or,bkearn to avoid them.
Frustration and stress are caused by too much load in mind. Aperta from words, singing, exercise, dancing, public speaking ; any expressions are best way to relaxed the stress and it, learn it, practice it.
When you live with your dream,you avoid everyone.
God wants you to live happily.he will give you success when you love doing something to enjoy the life.
A great personality never holds anything in mind and live the life.
There is always a way out to move up in life.Dont just see the established system rather explore some new.
Life is more about exploring and less about doing. No matter what you do.
The only thing among majority is less strength for enduring the attrition which is the only factor for any success.
Ek Suraj dusre Suraj ke saath chal rha h.fark yahi hai ki ek aasma me again aur ek zameen me hai.
Love ng Among donkeys and aspiring to be a horse is contradictory.
A man who holds nothing in mind, takes nothing to heart and acts always with brain is the perfect man.
Try doing 100 best things, 1 will definitely be best.
Legends prepare and plan hard in empty stomach days and hustle like anything when their stomach is ful of food.
People grow older fast mentally than physically.
If your dream is big enough, start living with it; you won't like anything else fur
Fate or Fraility-continued...
Empty mind holds good or bad. So, it's better not to have .Anything in ond and just do what is there in life to do. Mind is meant to be utilised to do well, perform well and not in contrast. Patience-less patience, Good habit-bad habit, Good mindset-bad mindset all re the result of over the year storage the respective things in mind that let us to do something in life.
Feed your mind right food -
What you sow,sobyoi reap' is a good example for it. We deliver what we hold in mind and this is why most of the time intelligent people judge others through their words. Because the spoken words tells the state of someone's mind.
Habit of a poor Person:
No one is poor, people remains poor because of their selfbdeveloped mindsets and iliogical habits.
You don't believe in learning new things. Yes learn the systems of the world and you'll learn how to function it here. How it can help you to move up in life. Learn a lot. If not everything then biographies and quotes at least.
The give up. They are not on a right platfo m. They are infku nced by people around them they don't have confidence in them. They don't find their talents. They fear for no reason. They don't dont do their own chores that can uplift their life.
They accept that they are born to serve others.
Habit of following the herd of sheep:
Huamns look same but they are born with different virtue and merits.
They possess the quality like fish, monkey, snake,bird .
You can't just do what others do,you'll have to know your true talent,true skill.
Fate or, Frailty;
A poor child is taught in childhood to eat less, survive on bare minimal things; overbthe taetsbits becomes hisnhabit and later, it become his mentality. Now, layer in fuyure, it kills his opportunyies.
Now frailty comes here that attacks on fate.
We finally blame, it was out fate not frailty which was wrong.
The biggest enemy for you isnthe one who careate fear ,shows you fear and scares you; demotivates you, talks negative to you.
What a poor family teaches their children :
Eat the much you have, don't have desires so much, .
Their work on their frailty that turns out to be the fate in future with ementality and habit they have developed over the years.
What a business person Teaches their children
These two most important foods declares your destiny-
Food for mind: "your thought is the result of the input you have from the world and your action is the result of the thought you have in your mind and finally your fate is the result of the actions you take"-Vishwajayant Adhiraj
What you feed to your mind ,grows in your mind and lets you to take the actions accordingly. Now you are the one who choses the food for your mind. But yes, human brain can understand the priority and what actually he wants. Your food for mind let's it to take the shape accordingly.
Your mind is disturbed when you let inside anything from anywhere from anybody.
Food for body: "Eating Anything brings any result". Stop eating anything, know first how you want your body to become then accordingly ,donstudy and start eating.Dont justbeat what you see and come across". Your food decides the shape of your body and let's it to function accordingly.
Anything is the biggest factor which is repsonsible for fate or Frailty.Anythingvtondo , to see, to eat, to think, and that is why life yield anything.
Story of my village:
How do they treat their children that actually sets their mind.
How many methods you have to make money?
Do you just know to make money by selling only products thtmat all knows?
If is, then this frailty becomes your Fate.
Everything you do innlife needs excellency. It is never that you did couple of times and left and saud Oh my God I have a bad luck . You have to keep exercising the same way as a 4 years tarined doctor or, surgeon says I am practicing surgery. Even if he is educated, qualified and trained . IF YOU ARE in the process of starting a company gobahwad and practice the art by failing multiple times. Not just go for earning money. Finally your Frailty becomes your Fate and therbei s no fate which is bad for you. Every job looks for a time for its own maturity, understand this then you'll comento know that it ws nit your badbluck but your Frailty that decuwd your fate.
If you
How I take break- Sleeping is a break time for me, eating, ddrinking, going to washroom, bathing are the break time for me. I think nothing when I am taking breaks like thEse. How you set your mentality is actually helpful for your productivity.
What you
Fate or, frailty- 2
What you enjoy ,also determines your fate. Be very much cautious of what you doing to ennjjoy. Active hobbies and passive hobbies are two things. Active where you involve yourself to enjoy soemthing like paliyng base ball, football, writing books, teaching someone;
Passive or dormant is something where you watch tv, listen music,watch sports on television,
Now, the next level is you turn your hobbies into income streams by reaching millions through social sites, becomeing free instructor for everyone, teaching what yo kou doing. Again the next level is, you make it your career.
So, it is upon you how you take things and how you think uponnit and at what extent.Life returns what you give it.
Adjusting and Co.promising how affects mentality and habits-
It is like stiching your torn clothes and thinking that you are saving money. These are the two most growth discouraging habits.
Save life formula- Ask ,take help, consult.
Rich mind vs poor mind-
People become rich because they develop our rich sets of mindset they hold a rich set of thought.
People remain poor just because they have a poor mindsets poor thoughts and poor attitude towards success.
I'm giving one example when I was hiring employees for my I am British India the training company in soft skill I found one of lady she was not ready to make calls from her personal number and that's why she didn't continue to work people they should understand that the priority de a r getting I don't think that that lady Jacqueline was in good condition but still she didn't understand the priority although she was getting appear out of 40% on each admission and for first week it was like daily payouts she could have purchase her phone within a week itself or maybe like on the day 1 if we made a sale admission but she was not ready so this is actually the frailty of people who remain poor and they abuse their fate and not there frailty.
People with poor mind set carries ego attitude they have no priority they don't understand they don't know how to evaluate their current aur present situation they do what comes in their mind and not by evaluating the situation.
In India Marwadi baniya Jain Rajasthani ee this people become more successful because they have Rich mindsets Rich thought which is called business scale for rest of the people people don't understand that it is not their education but it is their skill and thought help them to become rich education can only help you to understand some system and to learn some skills to work somewhere like a counting operating computer because whenever these people like group Gujarati Marwadi e Jan they do business they do whatever they took in the business they don't have their personal egos attitude the keep it outside the business and that is why the win over the poor mind people majority are there and they become rich because if they have to to touch the feet of someone to gain a business they will do most of the people that do not develop
Fate or, Frailty:3
...Mindset. Rich mind the think about talk about journey the plant how they have to cover entire journey to reach somewhere but poor mind the directly think about results fruits and consequences the presume everything instead of doing taking action and enjoying the thrill and adventure of life they will sit idle and keep thinking everything they complete the entire journey and reached to the conclusion the success by sitting somewhere and thinking only on the contrary the rich mind they plan about the journey to reach somewhere because they know that every moment they have to fight to snatch away something from this world because they know nothing comes for free then no that if you enjoy the journey then you can enjoy your success then no that legends the care about the stories of their journey and not about the success because it is there story of the journey that make them different from the world and on which the entire world talks for the rest of the world success is just enjoyed once only but the story is repeated throughout the life and inse and it inspired the entire world for centuries this is where your mind lives then never ever think about all these things they just want biggest IT they have need the great mind even if they are dying hungry the talk and think about plan about prepare about journey only because they want to leave forever they just don't want to to work or do something only to get something.
People with poor mindset make their own system to live rather than procuring the system which is already developed to live a better life.
Thought versus action
Those who think a lot they do less.
Problems are only for those things people believe in taking action the barely sea problems and it makes them inconvincible unstoppable.
Keep yourself in shape-
Mentally buy regular reading
Physically by regular exercising
Financially but regular working
It starts today form the moment you put it out of action keep in control on your mental health physical health financial health.
When the life hits you multiple Times and if you are mental you weak you start accepting what comes your way in your life and your life start dieing all the you are alive. You are sort of accepting what you have is not going to resolve your problems throughout the life it will just eat you only two things how to adjust and compromise and survive.
What your one action an attitude not to accept any one of these will change your life like anything. Life is a fight always you have to fight. If you don't believe in fighting and if you don't want to find your life is already dead.
Your fate is decided by just I e person iLife.
Healthy mind vs Pernicious mind-
If you can take everything good or, bad in this world
It simply means you have a good and healthy mind. On the contrary, if you take things negatively even if some not all; still you have a pernicious mind and it is killing you somehow in your life.
The sooner you identify this and start
Fate or Frailty:6
Healthy Body & mind,Weak approach:
You wake up everyday in the morning but you wake up with sadness instead of knowing that you are the fortunate one you have a healthy body you can walk you have a good morning you can speak you have eyes you can see the world you are hand you can do anything you have brain you can apply it anywhere you have power you can bring any change but despite this you to cry for no reason you wake up with sadness everyday in the morning because you are still expecting things like a moron and it is just because of the education the week education that you had in your childhood the moral education dedication that power up yourself adjust the way you see the world be thankful you have a possibility to bring a change in your life to bring a change in the life of others think about those who cannot walk like you you cannot think like you cannot do hard work like you who cannot learn to improve themselves you cannot bring a change in their life the children the old people The deprived people it is still not too late you can still do a lot and you can make any change in this world don't let your frailty to kill your fortune.
Nothing is perfect in this world nothing is nothing you will always find options and opportunities for yourself so if you have some product and something to keep in front of the world then it will neither be 100% rejected norrby hundred percent accepted and this is how this world exist. Shubh performing this formula you have opportunity to grow forget the world has not the number of people which is see around you the world has six point 5 billion plus people and this number is enough to fulfill any of your dream of your life so instead of taking opinion of some individual some idiot whether they are your family members relatives friends awesome stranger you should focus on the world be smart and reach out to those who can appreciate you positively and don't stay with those who takes you negatively and this is how you make a life beautiful.
What you enjoy in your life it reminds a lot the success and failure in your life have a good choice before you enjoy something rich person have always reached rest .be choosy, be selective.
People think that if I had this much money I would have been happy the very wrong thought one can have visit this statement thought is never going to be true why why because it is the money for which we all work hard everyday so if you want a mental peace then silently keep working harder instead of thinking about money because in the entire world even billionaires or not happy but if you keep doing great job you can definitely be satisfied everyday you will remain happy II and you will sleep peacefully because you are thought on money is never going to be true you in the entire life and it has never been to anyone believe in doing and living everyday while doing great and this is how a great life is leaded.
You are not enjoying music dance film cricket but actually you are enjoying the work of some this people because they have made their work so much good that you have started to enjoy it so you are putting your time for someone else success instead of putting your time for yourself think on this you will find that someone else is utilising the precious time of your life for their own success and the trap you'll through the love stunts.
Fate or, frailty:7
You are the one who has made his own life was and just because of thinking too much walking too much on usual things and this is not going to end it is you have made it a habit and habits Tej unless you break you are not working hard you are not a billionaire you don't have car you don't have home you don't have what you want and you are working for all this things but you haven't changed anything in the last 5 years what you are doing it just working by doing nothing if you had taken one step then you could have stopped working and still you are doing the same thing not taking action just wearing now you you blame your fate but the real thing is this is your frailty and not fate stop worrying start taking actions start planning start preparing and go for a a relentless hard work ride of three years minimum for success in a single thing then you can turn your friend t into your your fate or so the best thing is is.
Bruce Lee said once that life is made of time it is not the time you are killing it is the life that you are killing it is the opportunities that you are killing it is the beauty of life that you are killing just because you are stagnant like rot and water somewhere where and it is just because you are RR you have some wrong and negative mentality about the world about yourself aur just because your thinking is war by which you are stagnant and stuck somewhere. Your some sort of negative and effort killing this precious life because you think at always in comfort zone.
Remember money is a tool that can solve any problem instantly money is not everything if you can provide your service to someone if you are good in some skills you can survive anywhere in any part of the world and you can make money always keep in mind money is generated once you resolve aur once you have the skill of resolving some problems any problem if you can resolve any problem of a anyone in the world you will get paid now it is totally dependent on one thing that how many person you reach in life and how fast you resolve their problems and in which condition or in which agency you resolve their problem will decide the amount of money e which will come to you it means how much something is essential for someone as per the time and situation and if you resolve their problems then you make money.
Never include terms like No, not, will do, laziness, indiscipline, anything, in life instead keep these terms positively. Have a mind of rich thoughts for positive actions only. They are the part of your frailty which decide your future, fate and fortune
Problem always exist in mind in thought and not in real life provided you have a good presence of Mind ready to take action and heart of Daredevil and you are unstoppable in your life.
Not knowing the value of time and then killing it daily basis is a frailty that turns it into fate.
How you take and talk about time shows your value for it.
What will happen in one day, one week, one month i
Fate or frailty
We all are equally blessed in this world you may see that you are not blessed because you are poor but are rich man and there sons and daughters can have a lot of money which will make them not to work harder and not to think beyond the limit.
Deccan have money but from where they will bring hard work and hot which is needed for a great success hard work and thought is a blessing of of download in poor people if you if your mind is not ruled by rich people you think to grow when you are in adversity when you are in poverty and then you work harder to rise like a sun in life limited you one thing if you don't have faith on yourself if you don't have trust on yourself if you don't believe in yourself and despite this if you go to worship at temple your God you don't have faith on your god as well.
God has blessed everyone but where will work hard will think.
Son and daughter of a rich family cannot work hard because they don't have to and this is where you have opportunities to grow and win but for that you must have a good planning and preparation of yours you should educate yourself and you shouldn't reach your mind you should and then nobody can stop you.
Struggle is meant for poor downtrodden people at ground level and it is again a blessing because this gives you strength to your mind provided you think on your own and demand driven by you not by anyone else in the world.
Fate or, Frailty:
Reasons for a Sick, miserable life-
Toouch unnecessary burdens,
To mmuch converned about life,
I fluence of a single negative person,
Psuedo fear of negative consequences,
Not having courage of exploring life and expecting for a smooth easy life,
Expecting things soon that others have gained over the generations,
Working less, thinking more.
Life is always beautiful provided your aproach towards it is appsitive.
The world belongs to brave and hard working people.
Your life ends if uou stick to a single place to place, matter to talk, placento live,.
Live a eas6 life, it is easy if you take it easy with an easy aaporoach and attitude.
Remeber, To live a happy and smooth life you just need a positive attitutde towards life where you take actions accordingly
Life is full of xhalenges,. Every day is a fight . Now how your thought, attitude and approach you keep towards it is the only factor that make syor life good or, bad.
Anything which you don't like is making your life miserable. Now, Either your approach towards it is negative, or you are adjusting it oner the years or, you have amade a habit to acccept it will nilly or even if you want, you are not taking hard steps to get rid of it.
Life is too short whe .You start living it, in contrast it is you long when you have abad one.
You can Never have a great life if you follow the world system
A man who has no fear of losing something and life is the one with most peaceful mind and life
Fate or, frailty: ....
You are not a loser. You just have received loser mentality while living among those who have substandard mindsets of living like a person staying in comforts.
Win the moment attitude:
Life is too short to live. Actors ,Cricketers, celebrities, politicians are busy in making people busy for their own business and profits. Yes, they understand it well that the more you engage people, the world the better chances you have for yor business.
Let me tell you one thing, from today learn one thing i.e; to learn to win the moment.
Start living every moment. Steal the opportunity or, seize it or, snatch it away tactically. The world is for brave and not for losers, let goers or, for those who accept what comes to them with no choice and preferences.
Habit of falling in the mood of sadness or, getting easily tensed:
Avoid making this habit. It is possible. Resolve the problem or, let it be as it is. Don't spoil your life. Problems are as feasible in life as aur in tbe environment. Stay calm, stay relaxed.
Opportunities or, adversities:
It is your mentality that you have developed over the period of time by not taking action either or, taking unsuccessful actions and it made you to think like a loser.
It is your own perception where you see problems instead of thinking that problems are always meant to solved and this is how you create opportunities by turning adversities upside down.
Failure is not your fate ,it is your frailty.
The power of one hour:
You found that life is passing and you are not enjoying your life are you haven't enjoyed your life. You are still in the shakal of some responsibility some fever which is not letting you to do what you want the way you want to live the life and you have wasted yes so many years for no reason. This process will still continue it is now it is in your habit in your mind set so if you don't break it now it will carry if you forward and you will have the same live. Change the gear now to shift your life in a better place, the place you want.
Time Utilization:
If you don't know how to utilize your time effectively, efficiently, you'll miss out moat of beautiful things to enjoy in life. Make a habit of utilizing every single seconds, minutes, hours, and days.
You should categorise things to do starting from minutes.
"If you can utilize your minutes for work, you save hours to live the life"- Vishwajayant Adhiraj
Only opportunities are mostly seized in seconds but yes planing and preparation can also be done for most important decisions in seconds.
Time wastage:
You waste lot of time when you give the control and decision hand in people's hand in business, personal life etc. Spend less time and make it your characteristic. You spend too much time with one single person and you loses him, time and others options too. If something is valuable, then value of time also adds with it. You spend less time and you become valuable, less time means moving faster and not killing your p
Fate or, frailty:.....
Mentality test mindset tes
Philosophy is there is nothing right or wrong in this world it is just your perspective changes as per your likeness and unlikeness
Q. What is one thing that you don't like in life? Or, tell me ten thing that you don't like in life
If people count on their fingertips all these things what they dislike it simply means they fail
Do this activity to promote my book faith or frailty ek bar bhi Agar big kya ek ek karke tu tu bhi main bahut khush ho jaunga. Every week every month do this campaign and make YouTube channel Facebook page Instagram page to promote the video only one type of video with different people
Your life is destroyed and it will continue. Why? You have developed an habit of thinking instead of doing. Every time before you do something in morning, in evening; you start thinking. Why? Has thinking given you anything so far in life. Never,right
Life begins with action, sustains with action and ends when you are not able to take any action for yourself ,for others. You and the entire world calls it Karma. Life is made of Karma. There is only one God that changes your present, past and future, your action, your karma and not your thinking. Thinking is meant to get direction and not meant to replace the action. The ultimate warrior is action that leads the life, that maintains the life on the planet earth. Act more ,think less
If you have been doing something for years, then you just have to organize it and nit to replan it for which you need to think. Think to generate ideas, think to plan, think to learn on preparing. Action is king. Act more always bluntly, relentlessly
I can do this, I want this Mentalit
There are two types of people- one who says I want this and whatsoever it takes, I'll go for that. I'll collect information, Ill learn skills, I'll connect with concerned people but I need this. They work on TAD plan. Target, Action, Deadline. They set the Target , take the action needed to get that and set a deadline. Obviously, life is gort and many things to achieve, many lives to live
On the contrary, there are majority, yes majority of people who says- I can do this. It seems easy and I'll then live the life accordingly. The mindset is different, completely different. They live to work and not work to live. Fearful people, not adventurous, not challenging, daring, which are the jewel for winners. They want what they see, they do what they see, they work the much they can do. They don't stretch, they don't expand. They are the comfort zone seeker. Uninspiration, demotivation makes them lazy keeps them inactive. They are the one who have no purpose in life. It is something like driving a car without knowing where exactly to reach but yes, they have to drive as they have a car
They believe in getting something after working and not winning, achieving
Life is limited for them because ambitions and actions are limited for them
They survive and not live the life. ....y:.....?.t
Fate or, frailty:......
Mind Concpetion:
Courageous mind, : they enter the territory now start learning how to be safe, adapting themselves, find ways to survive, make friendship, and move on they know the world belongs to them and entire human race is their family and friends,. They collect information and become strong because they know absense of information makes people weak,
smart mind,: learn everything before enter
Weak mind: learn and hesitate to enter, if enter lost the mind, and get trapped. They think their family and friends are not there, they feel weak, unable to connect with people, not learning new place and environment, die or, escape soon.
Fate or, Frailty...
Your mentality decides your habit and your habit decides your action and your action decides your fortune. Your mentality is shaped by the knowledge and belief you have for your future and fortune.
It is of great value what you feed your mind on a daily basis interns of food, yes the information, the knowledge that nurture your mindsets.
You see average, you adept average.
Human being Career for a great lifestyle:
If you have been taught that 8-10 hours, you should work to make money and then remaining time for living the life if made possible; you have been taught by some idiot section of the people with an extremely retard mind.
If you wake up at 5am, work on the product development from 530am-7am and then 700-830am on Product Promotion. Rest ,the whole day is yours. You can live with family, travel, work on hobbies, do jobs (if still you want). Do whatever, you think you should do. Secure your career in the first hours of the day. 24 hours is a lot of time for productive, potential people seeing life with possibilities. Time is life. Life is made of time. Time passes, life passes. Time ends, life ends.
First jump with this routine then make it your lifestyle.
The best part is, in 7 days 7 types of product development and Product promotion can be done. Writing blog, writing books, making courses, writing quotes all are mine. Then singing, dancing, acting, mimicry, teaching, motivational videos, podcasting are the promotional ways on social media.
Serve People:
We all want to earn money but don't want to serve people. It's a wrong approach to live the life .Be a servant even if you are a boss somewhere. When you give service, you become a servant, not an owner. Behave and act accordingly.
Make a lifestyle to serve the people, the society, the nation, the world. It can be done in many way- money, food, education, employment, Entertaiment, inspiring, motivating.
Self destructive mode of life:
It says that you are already into a system where your every single step will decide your outcomes in future.
If you are doing something, it is going to be a habit and if you are again not doing something again it is going to be a habit and a mentality that will nurture your lifestyle from somehow heaven to hell. You have to follow the system. the system tha nature has made it for itself. The sun, the earth has made for themselves. If you want to exist, you have to keep moving like them. Taking a pause, a stop means you are also risking others too in the same way if earth stops, the life on earth will be at stake.
The greatest learning is like Lord Buddha style learning. Learn from the nature, the surroundings, from the universe.
"The greatest learner is the one who observes the thing and then learn it"- Shri Ganpat Rana
Your one single thought bexomes mindset once repeated,
the same repeated mindset once executed becomes habit,
the habit developed if it doesnt work in favor, becomes a disease.
Mind your single thought, mind your mindset, mind your habit.
Habbit is something when you start compromising and adjusting with the bad situations in your bad time, it becomes your lifestyle. It is always better to avoid any compromise and the act of adjustment in bad time and situations. Yoir one single step towards the habit and mentality of compromising with the sutuations puts you away from the range of a good lifestyle.
The worst part is you start luving the mediocre life. You make yourself settled in the comfort zone. Comfort zone brings and maintain miseries. It is the fight to stay awy from comfort zone brings life to revival.
If you stay on the shore of a sea, yoou are always safe but all the pearls, big fishe are always therir in the mid of the ocean. On the sea shore you can only survive on the dead fish or, fish that you get once a while by some means.
There is no safe place. it is just your mindset that you are safe somewhere. Yoi are always working to keep your life alive. The only difference is that some think of pulling a rickshaw and aome flying of a jet plane. All your choice. Your choice becomes yoir destiny and never the situations. A weak mind belives what it sees with open eyes but a string mind take it as a threat to al the possibilities and opportunities of a beautiful life. It always sees that nobody can see in the same way as no ody can see the life just moments away. How you educate your mind is important.
If your habit is bad then you are like a pitcher with an invisible hole in it. You put lots of water into it and all flows out of it after sometime. Even pitcher doesn't think that there is a hole inside it because it couldn't see it.
In the same way you put or give lots of money to such people and it will drain out soon from them.
Mentality is something where domestic bees if you put them on good food they will come back to sit on faeces.
People have the same mind set you teach them well you got them well you advise them well and they will do the same thing that makes them poor and away from prosperity.
Prosperity is nothing but an approach towards a good mind set and the repetition of good habits. Which actually result in prosperity.
Fate or, Frailty: Human Nature
Suffering, ill-fate, poverty, struggle all are the outcome of human nature and not fate or, something which is destined.
Mind your nature. Work on your nature.
It simply means it is your nature that lets you suffer or, live happily.
We all are here to construct something, make life better. So, there should never be a single situation to adjust, compromise anything with life, at the cost of life.
Any decision that you take becomes your choice. Voice becomes your action, action becomes habit habit becomes lifestyle, lifestyle becomes way of living and accepting things in life.
Adjustment and Compromise:
Two factors that make humans handicapped by mind.
Fear always exists as everyone is busy doing their own duty for their living. Cheat the people, cheat the system to live own life. Learn by observing with patience before you enter the chakravyuh.
Be Fool:
You must be fool sometimes, a fool who believes things easily and without overthinking or, delaying he goes and tries the things.
"Intelligence works as a double sided barrier. If it makes you aware about something to conclude many things before you go ahead, it also makes you cautious to not even give a try".
A fool person believes things easily whereas a smart, intelligent person calculates many things before even thinking to do something.
Nature, Habit & Mindset:
It is the nature, habit and mindset of a person that decides his destiny, fate and success in life and not just the education, talent or, skills. If the nature of a person is to find security and always stay safe, he will not even think of giving a try. If a person is getting bread and butter with a shed to stay and lead a comfortable life, he will never be bothered to take any risk, or challeng something.
Learning nurtures mind, gives wings, provides a new horizon every single time and gives new perspectives too. Mindset of only doing something and not learning takes nowhere a person. Either, you learn while doing or, learn from some sources or, get mentorship on that.
Fate or, Frailty......
Maango milega, jidd karo milega hi, add jao milega hi milega.
Proactive nature:
It is not the laziness. If you show proacyivenes sine everything,you get more than others.
Taking things for granted and staying satisfied with what is easily available. K owing that nothing is permanent and have to move on by oneself or will be forced tomorrow.
The world is full of beautiful people and places then why take something for granted. There is always better yes always. If we talk about the work, there is always a better employer at better place. Only losers who don't want to work teaches others that stick to a single place or, with a single person.
Keep moving always with better choices for betterment. Your fear not ready to take risks, not ready to work, thinking that world has limited opportunities with no good people ahead makes you creep.
Nature, Habit, Mindset & Thought:
How you think is decided by what you feed your mind, in what sort of company you stay.
"If things are not handpicked in life, you'll end up living with garbages in life"
Place and Company= fulfilment
Anything you want in life is dependent on two things- company and place.
Either find those company and struggle to make a space there and certainly visit, live, stay in the place where something is found that you want.
The trash of goldsmiths can fetch you more profits then the loads of iron you can get from the ironsmith. Only Place matters. Where you are, where you work, where you stay, where you spend time.
If you stay beside an ocean, you can even expect some day of getting a shark but staying near to a pond, lake, river, you can't even think of getting one anyday.
Go to the railway station and you'll reach your destination but standing at the hill and seeing your destination will never help you. Take the bus, train, plane, lift, hide in some vehicle, exchange services, or, walk but move towards your destination for sure.
Vasco di Gama had no map but still he explored and reached the country of prosperity -Bird of Gold,India that became also the reason of its slavery for 200 years. He was the only reason behind it.
Living your dream everysingle day by acting something on it, pursuing it is 9x more important than achieving even the dreams at sudden. Live it,before you get it.
Mostly are animals what you see in the surroundings - eat well, live well, dress well, a good income source for survival. That's what they expect.
Dreamers are night cryers and morning action takers. They just act, do what they can.
You can't force someone to change because a river finds its own way to reach to ocean.
It is the Human nature that makes him fateful or, unfatefull.
Back up Plan:
For time,
For resources,
That Little Help:
Compromise and adjust:
These are the two biggest cinemas of growth development new opportunities new possibilities new life. When we don't get anything we eat are compromise or adjust instead we could have taken time with patience to find ways to find reason for not to adjust for not to compromise people who have the tendency of compromising and adjusting the sacrifice mini beauties many opportunities many new possibilities on a every single day does the lose majority of the things and life that day could have enjoyed if they hadn't compromise or adjusted with the situations with the time always extend always expand your leg always go for new possibilities and new opportunities and it never happens when you compromise when you are just these are the two biggest disease for the beauty for the colours of life merely because you want a comfort zone you want things to happen easily simply with no cost.
Starting line:
"Attain the greatest level of mindset and the greatest height of success will touch your feet".
Fate or Frailty.....
Stop seeing yourself everytime with the doubtful eyes. You are the one who see yourself guilty before even you do any crime. You look at yourself as if you are already guilty. Why?
You judge yourself b fire anybody else judge you. Why?
Sometimes it is your childhood mindset, you developed living among the people who developed their mindset on their own or, later remained in life with the same mindset.
The best way to grow yourself and learn new things is , try meeting with the people you want in life and then observe what they do and don't do and follow accordingly. This is how you adept yourself with new lifestyle and learn new things for a new lifestyle.
Learning attitude as per the situations and adepting yourself gives you a new perspective towards life.
Fate or, Frailty
If you think everything belongs to you- people and the world. You just have to proceed to achive everything one by one, you are rich and if you don't, you are poor.
The term rich or, poor is all about the mindset and not about status I. Terms of wealth.
Fate or Frailty- Vision & Mindsets
To be the greatest in life Education will work as a weapon but vision and mindset will work as a skill and goal.
Anybody having a great vision and a great set of mindsets can beat anyone proficient in education talent skill in and around the world.
You want something this is your choice again you don't want something again it becomes your choice. You get what you want, you choose to have in life. This is how universal system works. You remain with what you chosen to stay with, liked to stay with. If you are not ready to give up what you already have, you are not going for what you exactly want. Sounds mind boggling? Yes, this is how the process works for everyone. You let anybody, anything to stay with you. You compromise, adjust and that actually becomes your fate. Mind your choices. Be choosy. Struggle to go for what you like and want in life. Staying at the top is a matter of consistent hardwork, staying at the bottom is a matter of resting, accumulating like sediments where you see, meet people, places, things you a tually don't like at all.
You have to get at all cost is your choice you see adversity you make excuses again these are your choices. Mind your choice.
You can't become a king if you don't behave like a king if you don't talk like a king you don't think like a king you don't leave like a king if you don't have the attitude like a king. You behave like a Slave or king is all your choice that becomes your destiny your fate. What you accept becomes your faith your destiny your lifestyle.
Blog: Greatness is defined, Satisfaction is undefined
If you have something to do in life you have a great life if you have something great to do in life that gives you Pride you have a great life if you have something that you do and you feel studieside you have a great life if you are able to make a living and do something that you want to do in life you have a great life if you are able to learn and and try something new you have a great life if you are able to walk talk communicate travel you have a great life if you are able to connect with people you have a great life if you are able to enter 10 people you have a great life if you are able to do something for the people you have a great life.
If you are able to make a living able to have some time to work on your dreams you have the greatest life now it is a phone you how fast your moving how fast you are chasing what you want in life.
If you are able to manage to live in a good place if you are able to manage to connect with good people you have a great life. Life and fate changes when people and place change. Search for a good place keep searching for a good place find good people keep finding good people.
You become great the day when you start working for the welfare of the people at the mass level to make their life better and beautiful.
Greatness is always defined but the satisfaction is never defined.
"I just want to attain the greatest height by crossing all human limits and doing things that can empower every single individual on the planet earth but never at the cost of life, age and happiness; it will be a life journey for me and nothing else"-Vishwajayant Adhiraj
Blog: Nobody at Loss
You become the king or, remain the poor. If you are able to manage a good life, you are leading agreat life.
Nothing is permanent.
You own a car or, a bullock cart. Both are same.
You own millions of money or, less money; you are the same.
The only thing ,you are looking for is ego satisfaction, superiority, mental satisfaction. Nobody has ever achieved more than this and there is no such limit beyond this.
If you are achieving mental satisfaction at some place with someone with what you have, you are also achieving the same that some are doing in different ways.
Mental satisfaction, superiority attainment, ego satisfaction; that's all what we achieve.
Nobody has ever lived for 200 years, nobody has ever eaten food from other planets. Nobody has ever shown through some measure how happy they are.
Live at your own peace, own satisfaction.
Humans can never define with their own definition that they are superior to others. The Supreme creature has made everything for everyone equally the same.
Same life, same satisfaction for the same mind and heart.
Humans are just busy competing with each other for no reason. Living at your own pace, with your own style, in your own way is the only learning that nature teaches us. Rest, is just an animal culture of competing, fighting, and snatching something from someone.
Greed, temptation, need more, more wants are the only factors that destroys the whole life and people don't understand it.
"There never less work to do and more time to live."
There is never enough time to live and enjoy the beauty of life.
"Your choice changes your fate".
Blog: The God Mode
Everyone gets an opportunity to work in a God mode to make his/her life to the greatest level of height. The only thing is he has to take the initiative with full courage like a God by understanding the time and situations and then wherever he goes, whatever he does becomes the greatest.
Courage, confidence, initiative all should be yours rest time, fate and hidden support would be of God.
Then by leaving and keeping everything aside you and just your goal, dreams for 3-5 years and then you become the miracle of the world. NOthing should be as beautiful and attractive as your dreams and goals if not you'll miss out not even family, friends nobody nothing.
We all come here to show only Leela(drama/shows) not to work or, do any hard labour for a living. Humans take birth only to beautify this world and other humans life, animals take birth to work for a better living.
The world will be only for those who have understood that except you and your actions rest everything is just an illusion. Stick with your own identity own action and nothing will trap you. You become a prey when you fall in the trap of someone which was not a part of your plan. Your all move should be according to your own plan only.
Never look at the people with sympathy(emotions make humans weak). You are here for your own role and performance. Do and retire in life rest the creator of that creature will take care of everything.
The moment you start working in God mode very nothing called rest accept night sleep and you work through out the hours throughout the minutes to reach to your goal as soon as possible. Believe that you have immense energy immense potential immense power immense strength not to stop but to keep going.
God and the greatest humans take birth only to show Leela to the world to people. So start the journey off Vishva Jayant Adhiraj Leela.
Blog: Why people are poor?
People are not poor their nature is to remain poor. Habit thought, mindset are of poor people.
If you do what poor do, poor think, poor follow; even if you are not poor, you'll become one. It is your nature that makes you rich or poor.
A man with rich mindset will always grow but a person with poor mindset even if her so much wealth will again become poor.
Saving money is the quality of a poor mindset whereas doing investment is the quality of a rich mindset.
Learning new things to get a better perspective in life is the quality of a rich mindset whereas only executing or working is the sign of a poor mindset.
Living with what you have happily is the quality of a poor mindset whereas trying to come out of comfort zone or never sticking with it is the quality of a rich mindset.
Rich people go for long term earning, empire; poor people go for instant profit.
Rich people work extra for that extra in life, poor people get tired with one job only.
Rich people believe in doing startups, poor people believe in doinh jobs.
Poor people are fearful that makes them coward, rich people are fearful but they become courageous.
Rich people choose people and places but poor people choose situations.
Poor people are moody and emotional, rich people are consistent and result oriented.
Rich believe in showing others, poor believe in watching others.
Rich collects wealth, poor recieves survival income.
Riches are the roadside, open field players who collect everything from there only, poor people have prestige they are the inside worker only.
I told you it is all about thought, mindset and habit that makes you rich or, poor.
(Do your own analysis to understand it better).
Poor terms Rich Terms
Permanent Temporary
Work Learn
Bad luck. People & Place
Blog: Success- Just A state of mind
First of all, The most successful man has control over everything - incomes, flow of money, happiness, wishes fulfilment. He is not driven by mood or, emotions. He knows how and act accordingly too.
He is focused not serious. Consistent not motivated.
You become a billionaire or, remain a self employed or, a worker, if you are at peace of mind, enjoying the moments in life; you are living a human life.
You are never at a loss or, never feel insecure or, inferior. We all do something only for mental satisfaction. No one gets heaven even after possessing millions of money or, so many materials.
Remember, "what you own first, owns you later".- Renaissance quote
"Your life is disturbed because your mind is disturbed."
Spiritually, we all are equally blessed provided we are happy. Stick with happiness and you are living one the greatest life.
Spirituality is nothing but the understanding of life dots that leads to true human life.
At the end, you are attaining only the mental satisfaction or peace of mind but if you are able to achieve it on aday to day basis in each and everything, you are already victorious. Becoming billionaire or, successful is nothing but just a mental satisfaction at the cost of life, age and all the beauties that someone could have enjoyed.
If you are enjoying the entire day, every single thing, and not much worried about whether you'll become a millionaire or, billionaire,you are already successful in life.
Ife is a journey, a journey where you should believe in enjoying every single thing, every single moment instead of worrying every day about the results and success.
Success is not a life, it is an attainment, a state of mental satisfaction, a state of pride, a state of superiority at the cost of young age, life years and missing of many beauties.
The entire world is either disturbed or, misguided or, never even try to know what life is all about.
Nobody has ever stopped you from doing anything you like to do in life. Life is all about self expression and not for the material possessions.
Before, you enter your home, wear the happiness,collect happiness that's what we all want and go to work. Go and spread the Happiness with your family, friends, relatives. They are disturbed by the external factors. Teach them how to have a control over mind that actually controls the life.
Success will be enjoyed by you only for sometime but the story of your journey will be narrated over the centuries by millions, they will celebrate your success journ6not your success. So, live life in moments. Journey, Success all again confused the people.
Blog: You choose, you become
There are people born to work only there are people born to play only there are people born to self express only there are people born to live and full fill all their desires only there are people born only to over think only there are people only to taught themselves what you are your what you choose to be it is not the destiny but it is your own choice that makes you want so choose what you like to be.
So what you choose you become what you go for you get what you don't want you don't get all your choice.
Fate or, Frailty -book
Ask yourself - Have you come here to work or play? Live or, rule? See other's creation or, Show your own to them?
There are many aspects where we choose one aspect and then that becomes our fate.
In this society we are taught to work and this is not wrong because of all we should learn to work for survival for making a living but above this there is something which is life. You can live a life by playing in life and not working in life. Playing at your work. Playing with the situations with people. The situation will be something where we are like a football player in the ground of life.
So when you work you choose to survive but when you start playing you choose to rule, rule this country, rule the people, rule the world.
In the name of entertainment we see others we watch others and it has been a part of our life but why? Is it the mind set that has been given to us since our childhood? Or, we have been taught since the childhood that entertainment is the part of life?
Both are correct. Entertainment is meant for weak people who have no purpose goal or objective in life to make their life happy in people with no purpose start searching for something to involved themselves and look for a way to leave their life.
People with great dreams great objective have never much time to see others instead of showing the world what they have.
There is nothing wrong in watching the creation of other but it shouldn't be taken as an entertainment. Remember one thing you are not giving your time to someone you are also giving your life to someone through those time. Life is made of time, never forget this. The time ends, the life ends. We grow fast as time slips from hand really very fast.
If you are not busy living your own life your own dream you are busy living someone else life in the name of entertainment. Your enemy regret is waiting you ahead in your old age.
"What you choose, becomes your destiny." Your choice becomes your destiny, your lifestyle and your fate.
Fate or, Frailty Blog: Expand not Shrink
Fate or, Frailty - Life: A science or, Mathematics
Be logical but not at the cost of happiness, pleasure in life,
Be logical but not at the cost of love or, absence of love in life,
Be logical but not at the cost of color and beauty of life, by sacrificing them all.
You read it right. Life is science, a full of experiments for better results and not Mathematics calculating every time on everything. Live and retire. You have limited time for this limited life. You'll not even stay young, energetic and good looking always. It will fade away just because of your mathematical approach towards life.
Live the moment. Fill colors in life with your maniac nature. Win every single moment. Be the showman and not the spectators.
Do everything you wish, you desire, you aspire to do. Right or, wrong is just a perspective that changes from person to person. There is nothing as such as long as you are enjoying something.
Live the moment. All great opportunities, beauty, happiness, pleasure sits at the top of a moment for moments only. You start calculating and it passes away as moments passes away. You should hit on something as soon as you see something or something comes in your mind to do.
Waiters are lifelong losers. Yes, you have now developed a mindset, a thought of letting go and it has cost you many best opportunities for a better life that you missed. Why? Since you are a mathematician and not a scientist.
Do experiments for better results in life and not calculation to add ,substract,divide or, multiply on expected consequences and results.
As long as you are enjo6somethinh, living a life you wish, there is nothi6wring ro, right. Stop doing calculation and just do experiments.
"It is extremely suggested to be an idiot to live and enjoy this life. Only an idiot enjoys life at best. Smart people can be good only at work but if smart people, good at work are not idiots in life, they are the biggest idiots then."
Who is fool?
If someone calls you a fool. Don't get offended because you are not the one. Fool is the person who doesn't understand you. Now, ask yourself whether you are fool or someone who is calling you, is a fool person.
Fate or, Frailty - Only perspective changes
There is nothing wrong or right. It is only the perspective of the people changes as per the perception and knowledge about the topic and person.
There is nothing something called good or bad right wrong best and worst. How things work for people accordingly the things are categorised as good or bad. Many of us have been taught since our childhood from our school that this is good this is bad but that was the perspective of one single person and not the accumulative decision of 100% people yes I have used 100% people. It means sometime if someone seeds something that nobody else can see it doesn't mean the person is wrong.
The world is a great show platform. Anybody who is busy engaging people winning them winning their heart graving their attention will be the winner and not someone who is the most talented most educated most wise most intelligent or the richest person in the world.
Some people see money is everything in their life it is there perspective where as some people see family happiness pleasure should not be over money and that is there perspective in both cases both are rich someone is rich with money and someone is rich with mindset.
Instead of calling someone good or bad we should place the person according to his or her category. We should take the things positively instead of loving someone most and heading someone at worst. Remember one thing it is just our perspective that changes and nothing else.
Calling someone good or bad or behaving with someone accordingly make this world a less livable place. Instead of that we can ignore or take everything positively so that at least we are not disturbed and this is the main thing that we have to keep in mind. When we absorb everything positively we are not disturbed and we have Sound & healthy life.
The people in the world seize the thing as per their own limit of mindset as per their own knowledge about something or with the available information they can have and does we make our perspective on something as a good or bad.
Fate or, Frailty - Ego, Attitude & Prestige
Ego, attitude and prestige kills the beauty, relationship, new expected relationships, work life, family life, personal life. Kill it before it kill you.
We don't connect with people easily why because it doesn't match with our prestige, with the fake prestige.
Our family relationship are either scattered or it is no longer existing why we have ego class we have attitude in our own within we are superior now.
Why these emotions are killing the life the relationship the happiness and even the human civilization. Ego attitude prestige all are the negative emotions which have been generated inside us and that become the biggest factor to destroy our life. Instead of living every single moment happily with everyone the emotions the threadful emotions ego attitude prestige don't allows to be free and live like a human being a civilized human being who keeps life happiness people above everything in the world.
It is on civilization it is a barbarik nature when we accept these negative headphone enemy emotions over life happiness relationship friendship. So if someone is not civilized you can't make them civilized someone can have millions of money or everything that they can but civilization human civilization is something that comes from inside that comes when we learn and understand that how humans can help each other can leave for each other can share their happiness and sadness with each other which animals insects and all other species on the planet earth don't do.
If we understand this we keep our threadful emotions away or we try to overcome them only to make at least our life better beautiful colourful and peaceful all the time. We talk with people with anybody anytime anywhere because we understand human race are a single family the world is a single place for all the humans we should not trade someone as familiarred or unfamiliar ed.
Why because at the end you will find and realize that nobody belongs to us even if someone is in blood relation or someone we have known for years nobody.
The greatest help hand the greatest supportive person the greatest benevolent can be someone we never know and who is our complete stranger to us. It means the world is a single home and all its people belong to a single family from all parts of the world.
We only leave work in search of happiness pleasure and beauty of life. Anything that we see about happiness pleasure beauty and colour of life is uncivilization.
We will have to learn at sudden to control over our emotions that destroy our day to day life in the form of egoclash attitude class and prestige clash.
Humans have very limited time to leave and enjoy everything every single moment which are available on the planet Earth. The world is extremely beautiful with beautiful people places food culture that we can never count even if we count our whole life. The beauty pleasure happiness everything is immense we only have to search find explore on these every single time from every nook and corner in our mind and not in the world.
This negative emotions well convert into regret when the life gets over with age time and energy. So we will end up our life with so many regrets which will be extremely painful in our old age which is again for at least 22 to 40 years.
The builder is we control our emotions and move ahead with some beautiful memories beautiful experiences. We should be proud in our old age that how we made things possible and our own personal initiative and decision made others life beautiful as well. In the old age we will be sharing our experience and memories with pride happiness and not with crying heart and so many regrets.
Keep your ego attitude and prestige away the greatest mind has always control over all these and it will always except the best thing in the world which is happiness pleasure good experience good memories.
"What you collect from the world becomes a seed in your mind and that becomes some tree which will give fruits to your life throughout the life".
10 collect only good memories good experience situations can be good or bad but your positive approach and positive attitude towards life will make everything extremely beautiful.
Not having control over emotions mood and mind is un civilization a less developed brain unless grown human but if we know how to keep the factors away that disturb our emotions mind and mood and we protect our happiness pleasure and beauty of life we are the most civilized person.
Human civilizations have been made for each other and this is the system of the world if you give something to the world the world returns you the same.
Fate or, Frailty: Success- The Art of Control
"If you cannot control yourself you cannot control the people the resources and the entire world"- Vishwajayant Adhiraj
The most important thing is to discuss here age discipline discipline is nothing but it is the art of controlling yourself pick the moment when you learn how to control yourself you are actually learning how to control the world and everything that you want in your life and if not then it is quite obvious that someone else is controlling you if you are not control by yourself let's take an example you are supposed to sleep at 11 p.m. but since you like a binge web series to watch you did not go to sleep aap are you kept watching now the point here to consider is some TV or web series is controlling you your emotion no this is actually the problem with everyone in this world understand this it is said that
"when you don't get a teacher then learn from the nature"- Vishwajayant Adhiraj
It simply means that nature is the only teacher in this universe see the sun it has it's own discipline see the moon see the 8 rotation see the climate change see the development of human being we all have almost similar development after birth so everything is well organised everything is well managed means everything is under discipline not understand what is the meaning of discipline discipline means when something comes under some set criteria a particular shape a particular rule particular time then it becomes discipline or it is called discipline
The only reason where the misery e is existing in this world is just because people are not discipline you don't do one job you do multiple job and perfection doesn't come 9 people they don't pay attention on that and then you don't get appreciation and you meet failure
You praise others work like of cricketers film stars singers what you don't work on your work or project to make it praiseworthy and this is where you lose the opportunity e of getting success
Learn to put yourself in some frame some particular design give your life your daily activity your work you thinking your knowledge a proper shape a well defined shape and it will put your life in a proper shape.
Some people say that I work hard everyday I am disciplined I go to work everyday but I am not getting success the reason behind is that working hard without learning something new you are trying something new you are planning something new on a date to execute will never provide you any success no matter how hard you work.
So whether it is water or human being or thought aur work if it is not move from one place to another aur from one form to another it starts rotting so beware if you are living sitting working in a single place for years you have to bring change you have to bring movement.
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