Shout! I will Rise- Read, Rise, Relish!

Poverty is a choice, poverty is a mindset. Poverty is not a curse, poverty is an opportunity

 Y ou accept it what it comes to your way easily and poverty becomes your choice, your destiny. You accept it and it becomes your fate. You think it exists for everyone, yes it is for everyone. it never goes away now you start adjusting, compromising with all what you have at present and by doing so it becomes your mindset, then habit then your fate and then your lifestyle- a lifestyle of living in poverty.  living there entire life in comfort zone doing all what you can't do easily without challenging yourself and your situation, without shaking hands with discipline, new learning, new skills is curse. either you choose to fight with poverty and win over it or live with it compromising and adjusting throughout the life.  accept the pain for few years or complete the painful journey throughout the life with your entire family.  poverty will kill you not every single day but every single moment.  Choice How: Decision How: Mindset How: Curse how: Opportunity how: ...

Life is Easy: Discipline, Organization and Management are the Key

 We see complexities in life because we ourselves have made this life complex and nobody else. We see what others show, we follow what others show the path, we speak what others want us to speak, we wear what others want us to wear. But how long? Why so?

Life is easy, very easy. As easy as we can ever imagine. We just need to keep ourselves away from the business of others.

Discipline, organization and self-management are the very common words that actually works to minimize the complexities in life and helps to keep the life better simple and smooth.

We have one life and this states many things like- we should do one job, we should follow one principle, we should learn one thing; we should have a one pattern of life to lead it to best.

The complexities in life comes when we become the part of someone's business plan, get tempted by something they keep offering to us. The problems start here itself in our life, in our relationship, in our family. A wise person would always listen to what his inner voice keeps saying, he/she will never involve in multiple things which are just meant to promote and someone's business.

We have just one life. It is better to enjoy it rather than acquiring everything that we come across in our life and it can be easily done if we just keep doing one thing only in life. Temptation for many things in life , leads our life towards so many complex situations that yields nothing but intolerable pain.

We learnt about discipline in our schools but somehow we took it wrong.

See the nature-Sun, moon, earth, plants, seasons, oceans ; they all follow some discipline in life. Discipline is not the word that we humans have created but we have adopted it from the nature itself to have a beautiful and peaceful life. It is just the marketing strategies of the greedy people on this planate who are always active to tempt people to buy their products through Media, TV, Radio, digital platforms, traditional methods; in all the way way by which they can reach to more and more people for their products.

Get just one thing in life where you can give your best effortlessly, where you do not struggle to execute something and it is your passion based thing. Do anything, you can do, keep doing it, improve it, do it in multiple ways, improve the way you do something. Keep holding it while doing it and it takes your life to zenith.

"What you do once in a while is a hobby, what you do everyday and consistently is  your work".(Work is not what we do to make money because anything nowadays can be monetized to make money). Hence, it can be your hobby too if you want to do on a regular basis. Just do if it your hobby and monetize it, reach people, millions of people and success touches your feet.


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