Shout! I will Rise- Read, Rise, Relish!

Poverty is a choice, poverty is a mindset. Poverty is not a curse, poverty is an opportunity

 Y ou accept it what it comes to your way easily and poverty becomes your choice, your destiny. You accept it and it becomes your fate. You think it exists for everyone, yes it is for everyone. it never goes away now you start adjusting, compromising with all what you have at present and by doing so it becomes your mindset, then habit then your fate and then your lifestyle- a lifestyle of living in poverty.  living there entire life in comfort zone doing all what you can't do easily without challenging yourself and your situation, without shaking hands with discipline, new learning, new skills is curse. either you choose to fight with poverty and win over it or live with it compromising and adjusting throughout the life.  accept the pain for few years or complete the painful journey throughout the life with your entire family.  poverty will kill you not every single day but every single moment.  Choice How: Decision How: Mindset How: Curse how: Opportunity how: ...

Public Speaking- the act of changing the world by selling words

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 "India has a huge scarcity of Leaders. Everyone, here in this country wants to be a worker (Engineer, Doctor etc.)but nobody wants to be a leader".

Learn Public Speaking. Become a Leader.

"I want to show this world that I am present in this world, I have authority here. I am not vanished like anyone else. Hence, I do Public Speaking".

Learn Public Speaking to "Show your presence to this World. Learn Public Speaking".

"Words are the best product to sell freely to millions without any barrier, tax or, custom duty".

Learn Public Speaking. Sell nothing to earn everything.

"Show that You believe in leading and not in being led".

Learn Public Speaking to "Lead people in the world".

"The easiest way to stimulate the emotions of millions is through the Words".

Learn Public Speaking to drive millions towards your desired goal.

"If you are not the one who is just born to eat-drink-sleep and die someday. Take the challenge to Change the World today.

Learn Public Speaking now to Change the World.

"Speak to Change the World".

Learn Public Speaking now!

Public Speaking:

Do public speaking analysis on best public speakers. Video then analysis with points.

Record own Public speaking in each state of country ,each country of the world. On mountain top, in forest, in sea.

Next lessons: 

Make videos on case studies of all the great speakers show them their video then pause then give explanation what they do in their public speaking.

The art of Story telling- why?

It is not your content how best it is, it is not your communication skills how good it is how much mesmerising it is, it is about one thing when it comes to public speaking- to make your audience listen what you want to deliver. For this, you will have to first of all learn the only skill who's is to engage them because then you grab their attention, then you have the control of the mind of the public in your hand and that is possible only through story telling. when you engage yes when you engage the public l, you get the opportunity to do sandwich marketing where you put you want to put to achieve your objective ,your goal to make them.

Hence, story telling is not about telling some good stories to make the people listen and entertain them. it is all about engaging them by picking up the weapon of story telling where you entertain them engage them in order to achieve your goal at the same time.

Promotional Video fo course:

The world is full of weak people who have always been frightened by the elite section of the world. Become a public speaker to motivate them, to uplift them.

Public Speaking why?

(A little face presence then, slides and voice overs)

Put all the quotes written so far


There are 5 products to sell in the world.

Products, services, talents, words and ideas.

Now, it is the ideas through words, that can change the world by changing the mindset of people.

If you are the one who is constantly working on your ideas, mindsets on a regilar basis then your polished ideas, thoughts and words can bring a change in the life of people.

A public speaker can be a motivator, an Ideator who can work to motivate and inspire people consistently where people around the world forgets the real values of life, niral values and other minor things that can impact their life for a better life.

In the age of digital age, you can come on the contact of millions from the room of your living place.

Learn it, practice it and start impacting the lives of people. 

If you can empower the people, you can empower yourself. They will empower you too.

Change topics name from Rule 1 to Lesson: Practice Day1 : 


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