Shout! I will Rise- Read, Rise, Relish!

Poverty is a choice, poverty is a mindset. Poverty is curse, poverty ia an opportunity

 Y ou accept it easily what it comes to your way easily and poverty becomes your choice, your destiny. You accept it and it becomes your fate. You think it exists for everyone, yes it is for everyone. it never goes away now you start adjusting, compromising with all what you have at present and by doing so it becomes your mindset, then habit then your fate and then your lifestyle- a lifestyle of living in poverty.  living there entire life in comfort zone doing all what you can't do easily without challenging yourself and your situation, without shaking hands with discipline, new learning, new skills is curse. either you choose to fight with poverty and win over it or live with it compromising and adjusting throughout the life.  accept the pain for few years or complete the painful journey throughout the life with your entire family.  poverty will kill you not every single day but every single moment.  Choice How: Desicision How: Mindset How: Curse how: Opportunity how: No instant

Thought & Belief: Journey from Humans to God

Think & Believe!

The only difference between humans ans God is- Humans have to realize their power, blessings and strength by having a faith on himself whereas God doesn't have to do so. The bigger the faith, the bigger the realization of power. Unfortunately, This is where humans lose.

Believe and it happens, don't believe and it will never happens and then we look for luck.

 It is only the thinking process that can nurture a strong belief system followed by necessary set of actions which will later change your life in fact the life of anyone on the planet earth. Human brains are miracles and capable of finding out what is best for them. Thinking and believing must be a part of daily life.

Thinking should be also one of the biggest job of the world and that is the paid job.

it is only the ideas, the thought and the belief which can improve humans life individually around the world. The constant thinking generates ideas and the set od ideas and set of thought kept in mind make the eco-system of belief system. Later, a strong and concrete belief system changes the life of humans and then that han xhnages the luves of other humans where then something happens great in the world.

A man always busy doing something never gets time to think that brings a pause in his thinking and later the individual sees a ceased growth in life.

Thinking must be an inseparated part of humans followed by belief.

the greatest belief takes place when you have thought something, planned something, generated some idea then brought everything together and now if you believe something then that should be only from you only. if you expect from others that they should also have the same belief then you are making a mistake because they don't know what happened in the background and why you have such a belief on something.

Your life will alwaya be under threat when you are just working and not thinking l, geberating new ideas for a belief system that should work for you.

Think and Believe, things are possible-impossible only in your mind ans in your belief., Think & Believe!


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